
Joined: March 8, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 21701

Quotes by xO_tRoPiCaLkIsSeS_Ox

you dont know how much you mean to me...i would pack up all of my bags and leave my life behind just to be near you, i would walk 3000 miles just to see you for 5 minutes, i would pay all the money in the world just to lay eyes on you, i would do anything to be with >>y O u<<...the man that i love!!

<33 dedicated
if life were a snake and it was standing right in front of me, i wouldn't know it was real until it bit my head off.

idk its really lame but i came up w/ it by myself...ive had a rough day and things r now just starting to make sense and just clicking in my head

idk if this is a break up quote but i was sad when i wrote it so u kno its all good in the hood!
**RoSeS aRe ReD**
**vIoLeTs ArE bLuE**
**tRaSh Is DuMpEd**
**aNd sO aRe YoU!**

make red--red blue--blue trash is dumped in italics and you in bold and all caps if you want!!

lol its mean but i like it!!
YOu BeTtEr sHaPe UP
cUz >>i<< nEeD a MaN
aNd My HeArT iS sEt On >>YoU<<
yOu BeTtEr ShApE uP
YoU bEttEr UnDErStAnD
tO mY hEaRT i MuSt Be TrUe!!

i GoT -~-ChIlLs-~- ThEyRe MuLtIpLyInG
AnD iM lOsInG cOnTrOl...CuZ tHe PoWeR
yOuRe SuPpLyInG...iTs ELECTrIfYiNG!!
ThIs GuRl >>pUt YoUr fRiEnDs NaMe HuRr<< iS mAh SiStEr FROm AnOtHeR mIsTEr!! =)

ThIs BoY >>pUt YoUr FrIeNdS nAmE hUrR<< iS mAh BrOtHeR fRoM aNotHER mOtHeR!!

--not taking credit...not that great but oh well--
why is it that when you do things that people ask you to do and when you are constantly doing nice things for other people and then ask for something...one little thing...the whole world turns on you?

TrUe FrIeNDs WoUlD hElP yOu OuT!!