
Joined: January 18, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 75
hey guys!! alex n melody herre!!! and we luv this page!! even better than the last one!!! you guys are awsome for bringin it back!!! cha ching!!!!

Quotes by xPiScEsBaBix

. :.*. :.LoVe. :.*. :.
HaVe YoU eVeR fAlLeN iN lOvE, bUt KnEw ThEy DiNt CaRe?¿
HaVe YoU eVeR fElT LiKe CrYiNg, BuT kNeW yOuD gEt NoWhErE?¿
hAvE yOu EvEr WaTcHeD tHeM wAlK aWaY, nOt WaNtInG tHeM tO gO?¿ aNd WhIsPeReD [i LoVe YoU] sOfTlY, nOt WaNtInG tHeM tO kNo?¿
YoU cRiEd AlL nIgHt iN *mIsErY*....
aNd AlMoSt WeNt -->InSaNe<--....
ThErE iS nOtHiNg In ThIs WoRlD, tHaT cAuSeS sO mUcH ((pAiN))....
...-iF i CoUlD OnLy ChOoSe-...

***I didn't make this up but i absolutely love it!!!!