
Joined: February 19, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 67824
  oh hey there.

Quotes by xXLoveForeverXx


love rhymes with
H I D E O U S    C A R    W R E C K


i miss you, best friend. i miss the way
we used to sit together on the couch and laugh about the stupidest things.

w e w e r e j u s t s o c o m f o r t a b l e t o g e t h e r .

do you remember that? it wasn't that long ago. do you remember the time

when you were best friends with her? do you remember how she never used

to pay attention to how great you were and the things you used to do to try &

+___make her happy. i remember so clearly, when she lost your trust. when

she just stopped talking to you. do you remember who was there for you?

yes, dear, i was. we would talk for endless hours about everything. about how

she [ b r o k e  y o u r  h e a r t  i n  t w o ] and how you were so glad that i was

such a good friend. and when she ran off with her new best friend, you were crushed.

i remember, because you were all i had. but when they came prancing back on into

your life, you just decide to let them back in. sweetie, there's a distinction between

forgiving somebody and letting people walk all over you. and quite frankly,

i don't think any good is going to come of this. now, i'll be here for you. no matter what.

as much as you've hurt
me, whether i like it or not, i'll be here. it will never be the same.

and sometimes i wonder if you even know what you've done to me.

all i can say is that i love you and i miss you. goodnight.

i bet that you don't know ***

that his [ f a v o r i t e  c o l o r ] is green
+____that his smile could light up a room
that his parents drive him --» up the wall
i bet you don't know that he sucks at math
and that i used to be the one he was just
c  r  a  z  y  . . . a  b  o  u  t
i bet you didn't know that he loves every
.kind of music and that he is just such.
a flirt and that he makes my heart melt
 oh, and yes, he absolutely always ruins
t h e n d s o f b o o k s f o r m e

i bet that you don't know
that i love him more.


there's a whole world down in the ocean.
a world of [ t a l k i n g  s h r i m p ] and
   boys   who   call   you   back  ,
but my breath won't hold long enough.
Make Believe
N O T    W A R .

" I  could  have  eaten
and crapped out a better essay!"

a n d  i f  m y  c a l c u l a t i o n s  a r e  c o r r e c t ,
slinky + escalator = everlasting fun

all the love I've met, i have no regrets

if it all ends now, i'm set 
-- lostprophets

I T ' S   T H  I C  C R E A  M A N !

W O R L D :  O F F .