
Joined: February 4, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 20342
HeYy GuYySs!! ThIs IsS mE ((janelle) AnD mY fRiEnD((jenna)) we DeCiDeD tO gEt OnE n AmE sO wE cOuLd bOtH pOsT QuOtEsS.....hOw FuN....MyY((janelle)) OtHeR nAmE oN hErE iSs xoB3BiiGuRlox...ChEcK iT OuT sOmEtImE.....MoSt oF tHe qUoTeS wE aRe pOsTiNg oN hErE ArE oRiGiNaLs....wHiLe sOmE aRe CuTe oNeS wE hAvE hEaRd In dIfFeReNt pLaCeS.....So SoRrY iF tHeY aRe sOmEoNe ElSe'sS OrIgInAlS....If We PoStEd tHeM, It mEaNs We lIkE tHeM a LoT....LoL .....Forever in love.....

Quotes by xXfOrEvEr_iN_lOvEOo

SiTtiNg 0n a b3acH ..
SaNd b3nEaTh mY fe3t
Th3 sUn R3miNdS m3 0F my hoP3 ..
iN a .S.3.a. oF t3ArS s3tTiNg
oN tH3 w0rlD ..
a SingLe t3aR rUnS d0wN mY cHe3k ..
iNt0 tH3 oC3An bLu3
__Th3 DaY y0U fInD tHaT t3Ar ..
iS tH3 dAy i'll StoP lOvInG y0u __
My Dearest Allie,
 I don’t know what to say anymore except that I couldn’t sleep last night because I knew it is over between us. It is a different feeling for me, one that I never expected, but looking back, I suppose it couldn’t have ended another way.
 You and I were different. We came from different worlds, and yet you were the one who taught me the value of love. You showed me what it was like to care for another, and I am a better man because of it. I don’t want you to ever forget that.
 I am not bitter by what has happened. On the contrary, I am secure in knowing that what we had was real, and I am happy we were able to come together for even a short period of time. And if in the future, we see each other in out new lives, I will smile at you with joy, and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. And maybe, for a brief moment, you’ll smile back and savor the memories we will always share together.
I love you, Allie.

((the notebook))
I wish you could hold me in your arms
and never let me slip away
i wish that u would hold me in in your arms
for this is what i pray
I wish u were happy lovin me
Like im happy lovin u
from the first second i saw u
I knew that you would be my 1st true love
I know you only like me as a friend
but I L.O.V.E u more than u will ever know
Every time I see you I can't stop smilin
Every second I'm apart from you I can't stop cryin
I'm fine I say, but I'm liein
cuz my head feels like its flyin
my eyes hurt from cryin
and my heart feels like its diein
cuz i know i can't make you stay
but i have to keep tryin
standing here clueless
in a haze of thoughts
running through my head
should i keep loving you?
or should i just finally
give up hope???
//ToLd m3 Y0oH [[l0v3d]]m3e...
(*(KiiSs3d m3...)*)
`AnD h3ld m3 .T.ii.g.H.t.
ThE neXxt thiiNg .ii. Kn3w...
[[y0oh w3rE sAiiN]]
`"l3t`Zz juSt B3 >>Frii3nD`Zz<< " `