
Status: Lalalalalallalallalaa.
Joined: January 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: March 25
user id: 267503
Location: Ticonderoga
Gender: F
My name is Nicole
I'm 15.
I like to sing.
My bellybutton is pierced.
I like Jersey Shore, Jenna Marbles,
Maximum Ride, Sarah Dessen
Happily Taken. 
My bestfriend is Keann. 
I am deathly afraid of dieing.
Weird way to put it.
I hate spiders. Omfg. 
If you came at me with a Daddy Longleg I would run away screaming. 
I've been in my relationship for a year and four months. Five on the 11th.
Which is also Veterens day this month. 
I live with my Madre.
Me Padre es dead.
My brother can be a jerk but I love him.
I have a Shitzu. Her name is Callie.
Your mother is my favorite comback. 
Ok. Bye.

Quotes by xoMentToBe

I have been diagnosed with a serious condition known as “Awesomeness”
but don’t worry, its not contagious

*unplugs 100% charged phone*
*Slides phone open*
*Battery: 43%*
I wonder what the person I'm going to marry,
is doing right now..
  Make fun of Kanye and Kim's baby all you want, that kid is headed straight to the top,
and slightly to the left..  
Typing 'LMAO' 'LOL' 'ROLF' when you're
actually sitting there with less expression than a brick
It's almost August,
and I have accomplished
How much wood,
could a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck
When you love someones personality,
everything about them becomes beautiful.
I hate making eye-contact with people
who used to mean the world to you.
Smiling at the computer screen like an idiot
Because he said something sweet.