
Joined: May 29, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 8738
->> Hayy! Whud up..mii names steph .. M0st of my qu0tes are aLl 0riqinal. . I usually qet my qood wunsz when im upset..or in the m0od of what im writinq about iyf you know what im talkinq about =] . . .

Quotes by xoSweetThangxo

Riqht when you think you know someone ..
somethinq chanqes. the way they are , ..
it rearanqes .Your best friend , is now
no one to you. .and the worst part is ,
t h e r e . i s . n o t h i n g . y o u
. c a n . d o o .
When y0o need s0me0ne who <<cares>>
when y0o lo0k , and every0ne <<stares>>
When y0or skies are pitch black , <<grey>>
I'Ll be There f0r y0o . e v e r y . d a y

x0 orriigginall
<<- ii`m a kn0ck_0uT ->>
Cl0thes -> sTyleN .
ii`m haPpy-> Ii`m smIlinq.
d0n`t think that im l0Okin at y0o .
PinCh y0orself . thats a dream that
w 0 n t . c 0 m e . t r u E !

1o0% oriqginall.
// your everything ii want
\\ your everything ii need
// your everything inside
\\ that i wish i could be
// you say all the right things
\\ at exactly the right time
// but your not into me and i
\\ don't know why . . . . . .

. [ baBi peEkaB0o ] productionz..

sweetthang .
o ¤ o ¤o ¤ o ¤o ¤ o ¤o ¤ o ¤o ¤ o ¤o ¤
e v e r y t h i n g .f 0 r . y 0 u .
a n y t h i n g . f 0 r . y 0 u .
m y . l i f e . f 0 r . y 0 u .
x'z.and.o'z .
pimpettes and
ho*z.i like the
way you look.
can i pick ur
nose *

haha me and my friends thought of it
..xo me. * steph * . me..ox
AlL of the years that meant nothing.
and the moments that meant . it . all.
all of the times we wanted things so bad.
we tried to reach them . and we'd fall .
all of the times we laughed with each other .
talked about our greatest fears .
the times we were so upset .
we even shared our tears .
I dont know what i'd do.
if i didn't have you guys .
so glad that your so true .
.we even.share.our.lives*
< my gurlies..lyqsfm>

(C) created by me please don't say u wrote it:)
xo...me..( steph ) .. me ... ox
alL ii waNna d0 is hAve s0me fuN
siT on The bEaCh aND bakE in the sUn
chYlL wiTh the CrEw . haVe s0me lauGhs.
beSt MeMoriEs . takE soMe pHotoGraPhs .
d0 whaT i waNT . swiM iNn The PoOOlL .
Be s0O haPPy thaT theREs n0 More sCh0oL.
| l0ve<3 iT aLL . | juSt RemEmbER |
haVe the Time oF youR liFE bEcaUseEe..
iT's almosT sePteMbeR * /

x0`` sTepHaNie
` back in pre-k daiiz '
wE nEvEr eVer knEw
` wE'D gr0w so ClosE '
' and StaY so True '

0x0 produCtions - steph
i w0n`t talk baD ab0uT yoU if I haTe yoU . |
iT`z jusT noT me . i'Ll juSt keEp iT to |
mYseLF anD maKe yoU wISh yoU wEre soRry ! |
, - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
x()oO0O(0 x
0x0 pRodUctioNs
made by baBi sTepHanIE !