
Joined: September 14, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 54826

heyyy whats up you guysss(; comment and what not.(; i love peoples fades(:

xoabercrombiexome's Favorite Quotes

beauty  is not in the face; 
beauty  is a light in the heart
part 1

i wasnt sure if i  wanted to do this.  i didnt know what awaited me behind that door.  should i get it over with and go in, or can i run away? just put it off for another time, just not now?  but what kind of person would i be if i ran away from my own sister?  this question was buzzing around my head like a bunch of mad bees.  will she be awake this time? or still in a coma?
the scene still played through my head, and occasionally i would dream about it.  either way, it would still strike fear in me, and i would often wake up screaming.  there was no doubt in my head that i could forget it, only a mere month ago.  july 24th, exactly, because i got my SAT scores that day too.  after i got them, i drove my silver volkswagon convertable to my sister delaney's game.  it was their championship game that day, and she was one of the best players on her team.  they came up against the toughest team in the league, who had a 6 foot pitcher who could easily throw the ball at 60 milles per hour.  delaney was in the whole, and she was getting her bat to warm up, to be extra ready.  katie, who was warming up before her, didn't realize that she was running to get her bat.  delaney went to duck to get her bat, but she wasn't quick enough to dodge katie's swing.  it was a devistating blow, right to her temple, crippling delaney to the ground. 
after that, it was fuzzy because between crying, calling the ambulence, and the misbelief had me a little confused.  the only part i remember was dr. lickham, our family neurologist (we had a history of epilepsy) explaining she was in a coma, and she had a possibility of never waking up. 
after sorting this through for the millionth time, i gathered up all my courage to open the door.

*should i continue with this? comment and let me know*
+&* I Still Remember Those Days
when we were in kindergarten and my girls and i would
go up to the group of girls we absolutely hated and say all together:

Loser, Loser.
Double Loser.
As If. Whatever.
Got The Picture?

ahhh! boy, do i miss those days. :)

I Said Shush Girl
shut your lips. do the Helen Keller
and talk with your hips. ;]

Somebody Call 911!
shawty fire burning on the dance floor. whoa.

You r my best guy friend,
And you just told me that you r going out with her...
The one thats good at everything,
soccer, school, u name it,
And every guy thinks shes gorgous,
That's her, the one that i absalutly hate!,
And u don't realize that i am completly head over heals in love with you,
How could u be so clueless to talk about her with me?
 And to think that i acually had the slightest bit of hope that u liked me,
I guess not </3



story of my life </3

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*NOT MINEEEE!!!* but i lovee it!
Do YoU hAvE a DiRtY mInD??
1. WhAt Is A fOuR-lEtTeR wOrD tHaT eNdS iN ‘k’ AnD mEaNs ThE sAmE aS iNtErCoUrSe?
2. WhAt Is It ThAt A cOw HaS fOuR oF aNd A wOmAn HaS oNlY tWo Of?
3. WhAt CaN yOu FiNd In A mAn'S pAnTs ThAt Is AbOuT sIx InChEs LoNg, HaS a HeAd On It, AnD tHaT wOmEn LoVe So MuCh ThAt ThEy OfTeN bLoW iT?
4. WhAt WoRd StArTs WiTh "F " aNd EnDs WiTh "U-c-K"?
5. NaMe FiVe WoRdS tHaT aRe EaCh FoUr LeTtErS lOnG, eNd iN " u-N-t " OnE oF wHiCh Is A wOrD fOr A wOmAn?
6. WhAt DoEs A dOg Do ThAt YoU cAn StEp InTo?
7. WhAt FoUr LeTtEr WoRd BeGiNs WiTh "F " aNd EnDs WiTh K", aNd If YoU cAn'T gEt OnE yOu CaN uSe YoUr HaNdS?
8. WhAt Is HaRd, SiX iNcHeS lOnG, hAs TwO nUtS, aNd CaN mAkE a GiRl FaT?
9. WhAt FoUr-LeTtEr WoRd EnDs In "I-t " AnD iS fOuNd On ThE bOtToM oF bIrDcaGeS?
10. WhAt Is It ThAt AlL mEn HaVe OnE oF; It'S lOnGeR oN sOmE mEn ThAn On OtHeRs; ThE pOpE dOeSn'T uSe HiS; aNd A mAn GiVeS iT tO hIs WiFe AfTeR tHeY'rE mArRiEd?

1. (TaLk)
2. (LeGs)
3. (A tWeNtY dOlLaR bIlL)
4. (FiReTrUcK)
5. (BuNt, HuNt, RuNt, PuNt, AuNt)
6. (PaNtS)
7. (FoRk)
8. (AlMoNd JOy CaNdY bAr)
9. (GrIt)
10. (LaSt NaMe)
This quote does not exist.