
Joined: March 18, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 70793

Why hello there ladies and gents!

The names Stephanie Lynn and I blow out my candles on the 7th of sunny July. I'm 14 years young and spend all my free time playing Field Hockey or on Witty.

I'm a pretty open person so feel free to talk to me for advice if necessary. I also do requests for quotes and what not but I'm just getting back into the swing of Witty so bear with me(:

I'll write more later but until then, stay beautiful ladies<3

Status: Online/Offline

xpeacexluvxparty's Favorite Quotes

Kidnapped By Love

  "How long have we been walking", I whined, throwing my head back. "For me about a hour, for you ten minutes", Drew answered and I smiled shamefully at the look he was giving me. "You did carry me didn't you", I smiled, hobboling behind him. It was starting to get dark and I was getting kind of worried. By now, the guys that had been chasing us could be anywhere. That and the fact we were running low on money was also unnerving.
"We should act like hitch hikers", I suggested. Drew shot me a look "have you ever saw any good movie about hitch hikers and people picking them up".
"No", I sighed. "Then I guess that's out". And once again, Drew was the broody, rude, boy he normally was. "How about instead of shooting my ideas down like a jerk, you actually come up with one instead of endlessly walking. Don't get mad at me because you have ran out of plans".
"Shutup Trixie".
"No, I will not shutup because you know I'm right". He begin to speed up, knowing I couldn't keep his pace since one of my ankles hurt. "You jerk", I yelled, hobboling faster trying to speed up. "You know what forget about you, I'll find my own way. I'm going home! I'm tired of this.", he immediately stopped and I stood rooted to my same spot, crossing my arms. Sighing, he turned around and walked up to me. In one quick movement he was hugging me while I refused to hug him back. "I'm sorry Rabbit", I remember when that nickame use to infuriate me but now here I am wrapping my arms around him because of the fact he used it. I guess all of the situations we've got in has brought us closer. "What do you suggest", he asked, into my hair. "What do I suggest?", I smiled. "Yes".
Ten minutes later, we both had our thumbs sticking out towards the road. I was smiling truimphantly, while Drew looked annoyed. I ignored him . . .he'll get over it. And ha! I was right. Not even five minutes later a car pulled up. It was actually one of those buses that familes use when they go out of town. The door open a women's head popped out. "Hey you kids need a ride", I nodded virgrously with a big kool-laid smile on face. "Yeah!". "Well come on in", she opened the door. I went up the stairs and into the door while Drew trudged behind me. I was immediately hit with a odd smell, to it stunk. "Oh great", I heard Drew mumble from behind, shutting the door. "So what's your names". The women had long black hair, it looked like she had never had it cut a day in her life, since it was past her but. She was wearing a long mocha colored dressed with a peace sign necklace as her accesory. "Trixie, Drew", I pointed to us. She smiled "just call me Faith and him Moss", she pointed to a man who was at the wheel. He looked to be around the same age as the women, in his thrities. His brown hair was messy and he looked kinda. . .out of it.
"Where you headed to", she asked, walking around us and to the stove. The bus was like a tour bus, it had a tiny kitchen, with a sink, stove, and counter and there were to doors leading down the compact hallway. "New York", Drew answered and she smiled. "Really that's great, we're heading to Vermont, we could drop you off", she opened the stove, revealing brownies. My stomach growled letting me know I haven't ate in a while. "You want a brownie", she asked, seeing my longing stare. "Yes please", I chuckled. Happily she handed me one. Sitting down, I smiled at Drew "aren't you glad I came up with this idea. See my ideas are better than your ideas by far. A one way ticket to New York with nice people and look", I waved the brownie while Drew just eyed it. If he wanted one he better ask for one himself because this is mine! "Food", I laughed, opening my mouth to take a bite. But instead the brownie was knocked off my hand and to the floor. Turning to Drew, I glared at him "I wanted that brownie".
He looked at me and then shook his head like I was hopeless "Not that kind of brownie".
 Feedback & Fave
Yayyy. I'm happy right now. I haven't been this week! But now I'm am. Okay so anyways you guys remember that fantasy book I was writing on tlwfantasy but then I stopped, well yeah like last year I decided to do on wattpad because I could get more of my ideas out there where on here I sometimes have to split chapters up because it's too long. Then I was gonna be all like guys heres the finished book check out the link and read it completed but it got tiring cause it's long and complex but then I stopped. Well I wondering if anyone of you guys could read the chapters I put up on there and tell me how I'm doing or tell me how you like it or if you don't (but if you don't then just don't be like I hate cause then I'll be like . . .well then). I recently continued and Feedback on that story would mean soo much to me you guys. I would hug you if I could, but I can't so I would hug you virtually. So if anyone of you could, could you read the the chapters or a chapter and tell me how it is.Yeah I'm gonna have to change the book description cause it sounds kinda stupid to me but yeah here it is. So if you could check it out. Thanx everyone!http://www.wattpad.com/story/575329-the-lethal-princess-on-hold


hauntingly beautiful

Chapter 1         

How was your sleep, darling?" my adoptive mother asked, settling a plate of pancakes in front of me.
I poked at the pancakes with my fork, watching as they deflated.
"Fine." I moodily grumbled.
My adoptive mother frowned, as she twisted her lips, turning to the sink to wash the dishes.
I gulped, feeling guilty.
I knew I shouldn't be so cold towards her, since she did get me out of the orphanage a year ago, but it was just a bad habit of mine.
She tried to enter her way into my life, but it was hard for me to accept and trust her.
I ate the pancakes silently, as the sweet liquid of the syrup drenched down my throat.
As soon as it was time to start heading to school, I rinsed off the dishes.
I started walking to school, as my old beaten up Converse shuffled on the cement.
I dreaded going to school, since I was, sterotypically, the school's outcast.
I was declared the schools outcast, just because I was so shy and quiet all the time.
"Loser coming through." the brunette witch snickered, as I walked by her.
I cringed, as I tried my best to ignore the giggles that filled the atmosphere.
I quietly staggered to my lockers, as I dialed my combinations lock.
I grabbed my books, as I placed them firmly in my hands.
I began to speed off to class, to avoid anymore confrontation from anyone who had a higher status than me at this school.
Just as I was about to head to class, a tall, masculine jock bumped his shoulder agaisnt mine.
My textbooks went flying, as they piled on the floor one by one.
"Oops, sorry." the jock sarcastically smirked.
I grunted silently, bending over to pick up the books.
As I looked back up, I noticed that one of the jocks had turned back to me.
His eyes stared at me with pity, as I narrowed my eyes away in disgust.
Being bullied was a daily routine for me, and I didn't need sudden sympathy.
Especially from one of them.
I entered class, as I dazed out the window, not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying.
I had already read ahead in the lesson, so listening was just going to be a waste for me.
My eyes became heavy, as my breathing grew slow.
My eyes suddenly shut, as I went off into a nap.
Immediately after closing my eyes, my father's bloodshot eyes appeared in my dark vision.
A shriek escaped my lips, as my eyes snapped open.
The classroom became silent, as everyone's eyes stared at me.
I face flustered as I stared down at my desk.
"What a freak." a rude boy snapped from the back of the class.
I sniffled, feeling my heart calm down slowly.
"Is there something wrong, Miss Monroe?" my teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.
I breathed in and out slowly. "May I go to the bathroom?"
My teacher briefly rolled his eyes. "Take the pass."
I scurried out of my seat, as I grabbed the pass, shooting out of the door.
I went in the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face.
The picture of my fathers angry eyes kept staring back at my reflection through the mirror.
I grasped the counter of the sink.
"Everything will be okay." I whispered to myself.
I stepped out of the bathroom, as I began heading back to class.
Just as I was about to make a turn at the corner, my head bumped into someone.
"Crap! Watch where you're going!" the jock that pitied me retorted.
I stared up at him with fearful eyes, brushing by him swiftly.
"Are you okay?" he suddenly asked.
I stopped in my tracks, not bothering to turn around.
When he figured that I wouldn't reply, he asked again. "I asked, are you okay?"
I turned back to him, almost scared.
I nodded.


This quote does not exist.

Catch Me if You Can
Chapter 21
The sun was beginning to setting, but the party on the yacht was still going on.
People were now turning up the music and dancing on the deck.
I was sitting alone on a sunchair, leaning agaisnt the back of the chair.
I watched as Alex and Addison danced freely around the deck, laughing at every movement.
"Colby, do you mind getting the drinks out from the fridge?" Gerald called out, from the opposite side of the deck.
I sighed, as I perked up from my chair.
I staggered towards the screen doors, which led to the inside of the yacht.
As I began to close the screen door, a hand stuck out to stop me.
I looked up to see Harry's rosy lips curved into a soft smile.
"Do you want help? Beer bottles are heavy." he smiled.
I bit my lip to prevent from smiling back, as I nodded.
We headed to the kitchen, as I opened the fridge.
I handed Harry two large boxes of beer.
Harry brushed his fingers with mine as I handed him the boxes of beer.
My fingers began to tingle with an anticipating feeling, as my face flared.
To prevent him from seeing my flushed face, I turned back to face the fridge.
I grabbed two boxes of soda, one Coke and one Sprite.
I avoided looking at Harry as we headed back out to the deck.
Harry lifted his boxes effortlessly, while I struggled.
We settled the drinks on a table, as everyone began rushing to the table to get themselves a drink.
Harry and I were trapped in a small crowd of thirsty dancers.
Harry immediately reached for my hand, interwining our fingers.
My eyes widened, as Harry pulled me out of the crowd.
"Are you okay? Did anyone push you?" Harry worriedly asked.
My breath was held in, and I found myself unable to speak.
I decided to shake me head, as my eyes slowly fell downward, staring at our hands.
I gasped, as my eyes shot back up.
I saw Harry noticing that our hands were still held together, tightly.
He swiftly pulled away, as his face turned into a shade of crimson pink.
I bit the insides of my cheeks, trying to convince myself that he was not blushing.
"S-sorry." he muttered, shaking the hair away from his eyes.
I took in a small breath. "It's no big deal."
I found myself lost in Harry's blazing blue green eyes, as the world that revolved around us disapeered.
I quickly snapped out of it, as a gust of wind blew across my face, sending my hair flying behind me.
"I-I should go." I uttered, brushing by him.
His hand shot out, holding my shoulder, spinning me around.
I held in my breath, realizing how close we were.
I could smell Harry's spearminted breath, and hear his light breathing.
I looked around, thankful that no one was near us, since everyone was out having drinks and dancing farther down on the deck.
"Colby." he breathed.
Shivers were sent down my spine; I loved the way he said my name.
"H-Harry." I stuttered.
"There's been something I've been meaning to tell you."

Merry (late) Christmas to everyone!
I didn't have much time to go on yesterday, since it was the holidays.
But, I hope everyone had fun! :) Thank you for the 4000 followers, you are all beautiful and amazing!

Catch Me if You Can
Chapter 18
A little under an hour later, Jason had showered, as I waited in his backyard, trying not to get splashed by the guys that were goofing around in the pool.
Jason finally came through the screen doors, with his hair fully blown dry.
He grinned cheekily at me, as he held out a hand for me.
I smiled back, as I took his hand.
"Where are you two going?" Gerald asked, rising up from the pool.
Harry's eyes shot towards where Jason's and mine's hands tied together.
He looked at Jason with envy, as his eyes flashed back to mine with saddness.
I stared away, shuffling my feet as I focused on the ground.
"I'm taking Colby out for dinner." Jason smiled, pulling me closer to him.
Addison frowned, as Harry abruptly stood up from his sunchair.
Dani sprang up with him, due to the fact that she was hanging on his arm.
"Really? Why don't Dani and I come with?" he gritted through his teeth.
A part of me wished that he would come, but a part of me also wished he wouldn't.
Without hesitation, Jason nodded. "Why not? That sounds like a double date to me."
I cursed under my breath, as Jason gave me a curious look.
Harry jogged up to us, with Dani lunging behind.
"Great, where are we eating?" Harry asked, as we climbed into Jason's car.
I crossed my arms stubbornly, as I stared out the window.
"I was thinking between Japanese or Italian." Jason responded.
Dani suddenly let out an annoying moan from the back.
"Ew. I hate raw fish, and pasta is so fattening!" she cried.
I rolled my eyes, shooting her a glare.
How could Harry deal with someone who was so whiny and irritating?
If I was with Harry, I would never be like that.
I clenched my fists in anger, wondering why I would even think of such a stupid thing.
"Maybe you shouldn't have come with us, then." I muttered under my breath.
I guess I didn't say that quietly enough, because I watched from the rearview mirror, as Dani sprang up from her seat.
"What did you just say?" Dani asked, flipping her bleached hair behind her shoulder.
"I said, maybe you shouldn't have come with us if you're going to be so picky." I groaned, calling out louder this time.
I could feel Jason glancing towards me, while stuggling to keep his eyes on the road.
Dani let out a screech, as she laid her head on Harry's shoulder.
Harry shifted uncomfortably, as Dani glared at me with her icy blue eyes.
"Harry! Are you going to let her talk to me like that?" Dani asked.
"Shush, babe. We're going to Japanese, okay, Jason?" Harry asked.
Jason nodded, as he made a turn.
The care was completely silent, except for the faint sound of music coming from the radio.
After a good five minutes, I watched as Dani peck Harry's lips.
I caught Harry making a disgusted face, as Dani's lips met his.
Dani pulled away, and smiled at me with evilness.
"Well, at least we aren't going to Italian. It's so fattening, I don't want to look like Colby in the future." Dani purred.
I was sure that she didn't mean for me to hear it, but I did.
I could tell Jason didn't hear her, because his eyes were so concentrated on the road.
Harry, on the other hand, stared at me with sympathy, as I threw my head back on the cushion.
"Don't say that, babe. She's gorgeous." I heard Harry mumbled after a minute.


Catch Me if You Can
Chapter 2

Harry and I stood on the edge of the boardwalk, as the fireworks went off above us.
I was licking on my vanilla and chocolate ice cream cone, as the fireworks exploded into various colors.
I was slightly bitter about the fact that my new white sundress was covered with sand, since Harry had tackled me down on the beach earlier today, but the fireworks made up for it.
I barely got to have this much fun back in Maine, since my mother was always so strict.
I was starting to like the fact that I was in California with my dad... and Harry.
Suddenly, a loud explosion went off above us, as my head snapped up.
Written in the night sky was, "Kathryn, will you marry me?"
Immediately, a crown surrounding the boardwalk oohed, as a loud scream came off from an excited girl.
"Would you want someone to do that to you?" Harry asked beside me.
I licked the chocolate that was dripping from my cone, as I nodded.
"I guess so, it would be romantic." I smiled.
"Ah, I see. You're the chick flick type, aren't you?" Harry teased.
I chuckled, before turning a light shade of pink.
"No, of course not!" I stammered. "It's just a sweet thing to do for someone."
Harry stared at me with an amused grin.
"It's almost midnight, I should get you home, right?" he asked.
I shook my head. "No, it's okay. I took up enough of your time already. I can walk back alone."
Harry grinned with his blue-green eyes twinkling, even in the dark.
"No, it's not poite to leave a girl alone at midnight. I'll walk you." he insisted.
Not wanting to argue with him any further, I agreed.
I tossed my ice cream off into the nearest trash bucket, as we began walking off the boardwalk.
"So, do you want to tell me why you were so grumpy earlier today?" Harry asked.
I kicked a pebble with my black flip flop as we walked.
"I'm just bitter about moving here." I admitted.
Harry frowned. "Oh, you're new here? I should've known. I've never seen you around before."
I nodded. "Yeah, I just moved here a week ago, from Maine."
Harry seemed shocked. "Really? That's on the other side of the country!"
I laughed nervously. "I know."
Harry gave me a sorrowful look. "Don't worry, you'll love it here."
I looked up at the brunette, and raised an eyebrow. "How are you so sure?"
"You have me here, duh." he tilted his head.
I laughed, and slapped his shoulder. "You are so egoistic."
Harry briefly laughed.
I finally walked up the front steps of my house, that was surrounded by a white porch.
We stood near the door, as Harry and I turned to face each other.
"I'll see you tomorrow, right?" he asked hopefully.
I bit down on my lip, trying not to smile. "Sure."
Harry's face lit up, as he grinned boyishly.
"Awesome! I'll come meet you out here." he smiled. "W-with some of my friends..." he finished, seeming a bit off.
I frowned, before ignoring his sudden change of mood.
"Alright, sounds like a plan." I smiled.
I unlocked my front door, as I waved goodbye to Harry.

Hi (: Thanks for the feedback on the last chap. I hope I improved; I tried taking some of your advices. (: Ilyyyyyyyyy<3

three strikes

Chapter 33
-7 Months Later-
My mother kissed my forehead one last time, brushing my hair away from my face.
"Darling, I'm so proud of you. Your father is, too." she cried.
I wrapped my arms around my mother, giving her a tight hug.
"I love you." I whispered in her ear.
"Oh, Kendall. You know I love you, too."
I exited the front door, carrying my matching set of blue suitcases behind.
Jesse exited his car, as he helped me carry my luggages in the trunk.
He brushed his hands off after we finished, as he started the engine to his car.
"Are you ready, babe?" he smirked.
I slapped his arm playfully, as I nodded. "Don't call me babe. And yes, I am."
"Are you sure? It's going to be a long four hour drive to Pennsylvania." Jesse teased.
"I am absolutely sure. Besides, you can entertain me while I'm bored."
Jesse nodded, as his dark hair fell in his eyes.
He started pulling out of our driveway, as he headed onto the road.
Before I got to react, I noticed that Jesse had passed the highway that we were suppose to go on.
"Jesse? You just passed the highway entrance." I pointed out.
Jesse chuckled, as he pressed on the pedal even harder. "I know."
I frowned in confusion. "Well, go make a U turn and go back."
Jesse shook his head. "I want to go somewhere first, before we leave."
"No buts."
I stayed quiet, as I watched Jesse drive towards a beach that Scarlett, Nate, Jesse and I all hung around during the summer.
Jesse stopped, as he got out of the car abruptly, leaving me to follow him.
"J-Jesse, where are you going?" I demanded, as he started pacing in the sand.
As I walked, sand kicked behind me, letting the sand sink between my toes.
"I have to tell you something before we go." Jesse said, squinting in the sunlight.
I frowned. "You aren't pregnant, are you?"
Jesse looked at me, sighing. "This isn't time for jokes, Kendall. I'm serious."
His face was straight, and suddenly, I was scared.
"What is it, Jesse?" I asked, shuffling my feet.
Jesse shook his head. "You won't get mad at me, will you? Because this will ruin everything."
I chuckled nervously. "What are you saying, Jesse? Everything's be fine, perfect! My mother is doing great, we both have scholarships, and we'll be going to the same college!"
Jesse bit his lip. "T-that's where the problem comes in..."
"About what?" I asked.
"I-I'm not going to Penn State with you, Kendall." he sighed.
"W-what?" I hesitated.
"I got a full scholarship for sports during the beginning of this summer... to Berkeley."
"B-Berkeley? As in... California?" I asked, eyes widening.
He nodded. "S-sorry, Kendall. I knew how much you wanted for us to go to Penn, but this was just too good of an offer to turn down."
I shook my head. "Why did you wait until now to tell me?"
"I-I didn't want to hurt you."
I chuckled, wiping away tears that had fallen.
"I'm not mad, you idiot. I'm proud of you. I might be upset that you waited so long to tell me... but I'm so happy for you. A full scholarship? That's amazing." I breathed.
"No buts." I cut him off, sealing it with a kiss.

The End.