
Joined: March 13, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 353070
Gender: F
Hello there, my names Rosie!
I love to write stories, and the current one I am writing is about a girl and a boy who fall in love.
Yes, I know what you're thinking, thats what all the stories are about, but I promise you, you'll love it.
I always like feedback on my stories, so please give me some feedback!!

Thanks for visiting my profile/reading my story!

Rosie xx


Quotes by xrosieexx

Chapter 4

That day was another day that was the best day ever.
Blake Smith liked me, Rosie Anderson.
Was I imagining things?
Did I turn crazy?
My heart was beating faster than it ever did when I got the text that he did like me.
It was text that I was waiting for about two weeks.
Was two weeks to fast?
I hope not, I know people who date the second they meet each other, and besides, I felt like I knew Blake for years from how much we've talked.
While I was thinking of all of these things, I forgot to reply.
What was I supposed to say without being awkward?
It took me about 10 minutes to figure out what to say.
"I like you too Blake"
Yeah, it's bland but thats all that I could come up with.
He told me that he wanted to see me at school the next day.
I was so scared and couldn't sleep that night.
I never met up with him, but I saw him.
I don't think he recognized me, but when I saw him my heart sunk.
I was sort of realieved that I didn't meet him, because I knew it would've been awkward.
The next day I met him.
My friend Hannah saw him and like the outgoing person she is, she called him over.
He said hello, and I said hello.
That was pretty much our conversation until the end of the day.
What I figured out was that I didn't have to think that this was so easy for him and that he was just as awkward, nervous, and scared as I was.
More that I figured out was that I was Blake's first real girl interaction.
I had a few boyfriends, which was more than him.
He never had his first kiss.
I never knew he was that shy.
At the end of the day we walked out of school together, and we were just standing there.
I asked for a hug, because thats what I wanted for a long time.
We hugged and I was the best hug ever, and I wished it could've went on forever.

Hey guys! I know the story is very boring right now, but its hard to explain the "Story Of Us" if you want to call it. No, I am not dating this boy anymore, but the story of us is very interesting, but slow at first! Please stay tuned in, it will get better!
Keep up with the feedback!
Love, Rosie xx


Chapter 3

For the next two weeks we talked non-stop from the moment we woke up until the moment we fell asleep.
I never thought I would find someone I could be this close to.
I never even remember telling my friends about Blake, I just remember them being happy.
Especially my friend Hannah, she has had even less experience with boys than I have, but she was so happy for me.
She just didn't know how much he meant to me, I felt weird to tell her how much because we haven't even been talking for a month.
Two nights before school started, he was in his neighborhood playing man-hunt with all of the neighborhood kids.
He was out there until like one o'clock in the morning, but the whole night we texted.
Around 12:30 am he told me he was laying in the grass just looking the stars in the sky, he was telling me how much he is facinated by them.
That is something that both him and I have in common, we both love the stars.
He told me that there is someone special that he would love to sit under stars with, and me being less confident, I thought it was some girl in his grade.
When I asked who it was, he said he won't tell me until he's sure she likes him back.
I was thinking to myself: "How could this girl not like him back? He is the sweetest boy you will ever meet, and he is real, not fake like the others."
Then we got into a conversation about how he saw a shooting star, and he made a wish on it, and even though I didn't see it I should wish too.
So I wished and he wished too.
He told me that he hoped my wish would come, and I said the same.
He said he wants to know what my wish is about, but he still promised that it would come true.
I was so scared to tell him because my wish was about him.
I wished that he would like me back, and we would be boyfriend and girlfriend.
I thought his was about the girl he liked.
It took me a good twenty minutes to reply, figure out how to type it the right way, to actually press the send button.
I never sent the message.
Then he replied again and he said that he will tell me first.
I remember the exact words.
"I wished to find someone. A friend maybe, but someone who I can tell anything, and they won't judge. Someone who I can love, and always will no matter what happens between us."
I didn't know what to think about that text, I just knew I wanted to be that person.

I will post the next chapter tomorrow!!
Please leave feedback!!!
Rosie xx

Chapter 2

We talked for hours until about 8 o'clock that night.
The things we talked about would sound almost pointless and silly to anyone, but they meant everything to me.
I tried to play it as casual as possible as I could, and was basically shaking the whole time.
A week later, I had Freshman Orientation, and I didn't hear anything from him since the time that we talked.
I didn't know if I was suppose to message him first, or not, so I decided to not.
Not talking to him scared me, I thought that he thought I was weird, or ugly, or he realized that I was two years younger than him.
It made me really sad because I liked him, not in a creepy way, I just think it was the fact that I was talking to someone for so long and I felt comfortable.
After being shown around the school at the orientation, my friends and I walked into the cafeteria to sign up for sports and clubs.
As I was signing up for swimming, I looked over at the track sign up just out of curiousity, and saw the captains sitting there.
I didn't know any of them, so I just looked away.
Then I took a second to think, I did know one of those captains, it was Blake.
I turned around to be sure, and he saw me.
We held stare for probably only ten or fifteen seconds, but it felt like minutes in my mind.
After, he looked away and I was disappointed because I wasn't sure what that look meant.
Did he recognize me? Do I have something in my teeth?
I was never sure why he looked at me for that long until about six months later.
After the orientation I was sitting in the car, and couldn't get him out of my head like it has been for the past week.
I wanted to message him and say something, but didn't know if that would be weird, so I just didn't becuase I was too nervous.
The next morning I woke up to a message from him, and I had that feeling in my stomach that everyone calls butterflies.
I never knew someone that I barley knew could make me feel like that.
Once again, we talked all day, about the silliest, pointless things, but it was even better than it was before.

Hey guys! Here is the second chapter, and I hope you enjoyed this one as well! Please keep up with the feedback, because I would love to hear what you have to say!
Thanks for reading, Rosie xx

Chapter 1

It was August 23rd 2011, the summer before I went to high school.
I woke up at noon, as usual. Nothing seemed special about that day, or at least i thought it was  a normal day.
I never thought that, that day, August 23rd would be the day that changed everything.
I got out of bed, showered, ate breakfast, and enjoyed the rest of my summer before school started.
I can't remember this day very well in my mind, all I remember is how it means nothing now, or how I want to forget about it.
I decided to clean my room up to get it ready for school, while I was cleaning I decided to take a break and go on Facebook for a while.
I never understand why I decide to clean my room when I'm bored, because I never finish it.
Or why I log onto Facebook, because it is the same thing every time.
But this time, when I logged into Facebook, something exciting was actually there for once.
I had a friend-request from a kid named Blake Smith that was going into his Junior year of high school at the time.
I knew Blake from my towns local baseball team.
Even though he was much older than my brother, they were in the same program, just on different teams.
We were hosting a baseball tournament about four months before and I was doing concessions with his mom.
When Blake came over to talk to his mom, I thought he was the cutest boy I have ever seen, I swear it was love at first sight, at least for me.
His mother introduced us, and he was very shy about it, when I didn't know what do to because I was only fourteen at the time and never had much experience with older boys.
Seeing this friend-request made my heart skip a beat, even though I thought I had no chance possible with him, so I shot the idea out of my mind.
A couple days later I woke up to a message from him, saying "hey".
And that is how it all started, on August 23rd 2011, I met Blake Smith, and my life was changed.

Hi guys! My name is Rosie, and this isn't my first Witty account, I have another but I decided to make one separatly for stories. I know many people probably won't read this, but if you do happen to read it, I would love your feedback! I will probably do the next chapter tomorrow, so wait for it then!
Thanks, Rosie xx