
Joined: January 26, 2010
Last Seen: 4 years
user id: 99554

Hi my name's Melanie.
Your opinion is now shot to hell.

I am closer to the clouds up here.

I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps a Cowboy King
I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began, it was so beautiful.
y o u  g o t t a  m o u t h  l i k e  a   r a z o r b l a d e  i t  c u t s  s o  d e e p
s o  k i s s  m y  w r i s t s  a n d  n e c k
a n d  g i v e  m e  e t e r n a l  s l e e p.

And today I know that tomorrow will shine again golden and bring our hearts back home

I wholeheartedly believe in that which is Larry Stylinson, and it would be the greatest most wonderful day of my life to see them admit it. Just sayin'.

 Follow me on Twitter: @MelanieMae25 (I just got it and don't know what to do with it)
Andddd Tumblr: massivethankyou-1d.tumblr.com
Also I'm writing fanficion: fanfictionfor1d.tumblr.com

K e e p   c a l m
C a r r y   o n