
Joined: March 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 280738

paintbrushes !
 Hello there, beautiful!
Welcome to my hell- oops, I mean, profile.
I don't really need to tell you much about myself, because you can read it throughout all of the quotes that I type. But, if you're ever interested in wondering more, feel free to ask, because I don't bite... well, if I don't like ya, you just might be leaving my profile with a couple of limbs eaten off. ;)
I swear, I don't eat people.
That's just weird.
ANYWAYS. I'm just a girl with a hollow mind in the day, and once I'm in bed, thoughts pour in like water from a flood. Oh, and in class when I'm not attempting to sleep whilest the teacher is speaking. But that's not an issue; I'm getting grades to get me going to college. My goal is to go to Harvard.
I have my whole life planned out, just because I don't want it to be like my parents' now. I can't wait until I get to the age where I can live freely &peacefully. I'm so excited. xD
WELL, I just totally lied to you guys, saying that I wouldn't give too much information... but hey, I guess sometimes lies are a good thing! ;)
Well, talk to me anyways.
Love you all♥

Adios, bitchachos!(;
Just kidding... here's a smile!
LOL, until you've cut, starved yourself when you were 9, &had suicidal thoughts, you can think nothing like me.

Quotes by xxMySweetEscapexx

I really wish my scars on

my wrists didn't fade away.

Now I'm struggling not

to make new ones.


Format by Sandrasaurus

I've lost 3 pounds so far.
If I keep this up, I'll have
lost 14 pounds by the end of
the summer. I'm proud of myself. ♥

Ohai there, quick question.
Umm, so, I'm 143 lbs &I'm 5'1. How
many pounds should?
&Please don't say none, because I won't
believe it.
I'd appreciate an honest answer.
Thankyou. ♥


Only my family 

has the ability 

screw up

Father's Day.



She doesn't want people

knowing that she cuts her wrists, 

But yet she wants to scream it out

Into the world,

[W o n d e r i n g] w h o [w o u l d] t u r n


Around just to listen.♥


It sucks not being good at anything.

To know that you'll be nowhere near first, second, or third place.

You're dead last at everything you do.

You feel there's no point in trying. 


My friend saw my wrists.

She wouldn't believe any of my lies that were the stories

of how I got them. Instead, she begged and begged until

I finally cracked and told her the truth.  

Once I told her, she started to cry, telling me never to do it again,

because she loved me too much to ever see me

do something that I'd regret.

I started to cry too, because I didn't think

anybody has ever cared about me more than she has.

    I've been cut-free for a solid week now. 



We hav30 days of school left.
I've liked this guy for about six months now, with
no idea of him liking me. He's the guy that rejected me
from wearing his football jersey in October, and the one
that I have millions of inside jokes with.
I just want to get the guts be like, 

"Hi. I like you."

Today, I was called fat.
And even though I've heard that word being my label ever since the
age of four, it still hurts, no matter what.
But this time, it was different.
It was by someone who didn't even know my name.
Kids were sick to me back then, and now, as a teenager, it
hurt even more.
I've tried so many things to stop it.
When I was in the third grade, I had begun to starve myself.
My friends had begged me to eat, but I refused.
I've secretly made myself gag, or throw up,
&no matter how disgusting I know that is now,
I did it, and I can't redo what I have done.
Yes, I still feel fat.
No, I don't starve myself anymore like I did; I'm better now.
But, I still hold in those tears when someone tells me that I am.
I don't know what's worse;
Being called it on a daily basis, or trying not to say anything back,
because I obviously can't say that I'm not.

I can't help it that I'm not perfect.
God made me so that I could let others know that you may not
be perfect, buut you can be the strongest person out there,
just like me. I'm proud to be the person I am,
whether I'm 'fat' or not. At least I have a heart,
so for those of you that are thinking that you're 'fat',
you're just as beautiful as anyone else. I'm going to live life with my head held high.  
I'm sorry I've let you down, society.

To those of you who read this, I love you.
I just had to get this off my chest- since that is what Witty is for.
I want no hate; I get that enough from people to my face.
Talking to me is one thing; saying nasty things is another.


My Hands are Cold,
My body's numb,
the blood is dripping,
I'm only liked by some.
The tears stream down my ugly face,
knowing I've been out of place.
I've had no one love me,
I've had no one to hold,
I make everybody happy,
without the truth I haven't told.
So now I'm sitting, all alone on my bed,
wishing it was over;

Wishing I were dead.