
Joined: January 22, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
Birthday: March 4
user id: 148284

xxSlowlyLoosinHopexx's Favorite Quotes

I waited, and waited.
For minutes.
For hours.
For days.

But all I had was silence,
and with the absence
of your words,
I took it as an answer.


it scares me that there are some girls
my age with children, like how do they even deal with that I can't even keep my sims alive without cheats


That annoying moment

when one earphone stops working.


          Parents: You're obsessed.
          Teachers: You're obsessed.
          Friends: You're obsessed.
          Enemies: You're obsessed.
          Cat: You're obsessed.
          Dog: You're obsessed.
          Tupac: You're obsessed.
          Fans: WE'RE NOT OBSESSED WE'RE DEDICATED <333456789
          Me: No I'm obsessed.


Interviewer: Black history month you find...
Morgan Freeman: ridiculous.
Interviewer: Why?
Morgan Freeman: You're going to regelate my history to a month?
Interviewer: Oh, come on.
Morgan Freeman: What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month?
Interviewer: (pause) Well, I'm Jewish.
Morgan Freeman: Okay. Which month is Jewish history month?
Interviewer: There isn't one.
Morgan Freeman: Oh, oh why not? Do you want one?
Interviewer: No.
Morgan Freeman: Right. I don't either. I don't want a black history month. Black history is American history.
Interviewer: How are we going to get rid of ra.cism?
Morgan Freeman: Stop talking about it.


everyone knows that story. everyone knows the story where the knight slays the dragon to save the princess's life, they kiss, and then they live happily ever after.

i prefer the story where the dragon fell in love with the princess first.

 i prefer the story where he tried to tell her he loved her but smoke billowed from his mouth instead, and he tried to hold her close to him but his claws tore her dress and scratched her skin.

in that story, the dragon is so in love that he burns the world to the ground in search of something - anything that is brighter than she is.

(in that story, the dragon lies down in the mud and lets the knight slay him, because it's easier than having to watch the way she looks at him.)


I didn't choose the thug life, my mom bought it for me.
It was on sale. Thanks mom.

The US provides Israel $8.5 million dollars in aide each day while Detroit lies in ruin. It's time to change priorities and put the US first

Here's what you're

You're going to go to your biggest mirror. Take your clothes off. With a washable marker write all your flaws on your body. When you're taking a shower all of the words are going to disapear and go down the drain. Just like your insecurities. You're going to look in that mirror and say "I'm beautiful, and i deserve to be happy." And you're going to believe it. <3

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is it data or data

is it route or route

is it caramel or caramel

is it either or either

is it tear or tear

the world may never know. 

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