
Joined: February 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 270090

Too and ---> 
 No one should ever feel unwanted. 
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Hey Babe.(:
Well. This is my secret relief account. I've been bullied, I know how it feels. Soooo. If you just want to get everything off your chest in one long story, please tell me.(: I'll be here.
Comment me your story.I will give you advice if you want it(:
m y  l i f e  w o u l d  b e  65782307530272307510  t i m e s  b e t t e r  i f  I  k n e w  t h a t  I  s a v e d  o r  e v e n  h e l p e d  o n e  p e r s o n .
&&click that>> nevercutyourbeautiful .  to get to herr. she's amaaaazing! she's my inspiration!(:♥
Flashing Word Bubble beautiful Flashing Animated Hearts Flashing Black and White  


 Operation Beautiful.♥

Helping Quote♥

Quotes by you_are_all_beautiful

This quote is for you.
Please, if you have even the littlest preblem , even if you think it's nothing, tell me, please. Comment on THIS QUOTE, with anything. Relationship problems, family problems, school problems, or just something you need to get off your chest, I'm here.
Pinky Promise.
I'm here to help you.
If you just need someone to talk to because you're bored or something, talk to me. I'm on Witty EVERY day except Sunday.
Trust me, if you need to tell me a secret that's eating you away, I'll delete the comment right after I read it&reply to you. Secrets are safe with me. Ask anyone. I know how people feel these days.
Society is a cruel place filled with mean people, backstabbing friends, and families and people that aren't there when you need them most.
Well, I'm here now.
I promise, I'll listen. If I don't reply right away, I'll reply ASAP. I love all of you Witty girls&boys.
Talk to me.

 ~please like this, so people who need help can see that I'm here♥

Hold your cursor over this!♥

h a a z a a h h h ' s f o r m a t

If you ever need any help,
  Read my profile&comment. You're beautiful. Don't let anyone make you think different.♥


Format by Sandrasaurus

If anyone needs advice, 
 read my profile and leave a comment on my profile or this quote.(: I♥you all!
Stay strong gorgeous♥