Quotes added on Sunday, June 27 2004

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Questions Hopes and Wishes

Is it normal to sometimes feel like you want to die?
Is it normal to sometimes wish you could lie and hide?
Is it normal to sometimes have this feeling that won稚 go away?
Is it normal to sit and stare at something that may not even be there?
Is it normal to want something bad to happen to you so you could make people see their life without you?

I知 not sure if these things or normal or if I知 okay.
I知 not sure if these are the feelings I have anyways.
I知 not sure if I want to make it better, I don稚 know if my life can stay on layaway.
I知 not sure what would happen if I put away my laugh and smile on some shelf.
I知 not sure if any one would care if I deiced to get rid of my bubbly self.

I just wish that people would look at me a different way
I just wish that dreams did come true
I just wish people would see the sky in a different blue
I just wish that people could see the grass a different green
And leave their mind open to anything that might cause a scene.
Wishes just leave your hopes up high
Questions just leave your mind to die
Uncertainty just leaves you with a sigh.....

^made by me use it if you want, please dont take credit^
I kno its not breakup but i didnt wana put it under poems lol
Questions Hopes and Wishes

Is it normal to sometimes feel like you want to die?
Is it normal to sometimes wish you could lie and hide?
Is it normal to sometimes have this feeling that won稚 go away?
Is it normal to sit and stare at something that may not even be there?
Is it normal to want something bad to happen to you so you could make people see their life without you?

I知 not sure if these things or normal or if I知 okay.
I知 not sure if these are the feelings I have anyways.
I知 not sure if I want to make it better, I don稚 know if my life can stay on layaway.
I知 not sure what would happen if I put away my laugh and smile on some shelf.
I知 not sure if any one would care if I deiced to get rid of my bubbly self.

I just wish that people would look at me a different way
I just wish that dreams did come true
I just wish people would see the sky in a different blue
I just wish that people could see the grass a different green
And leave their mind open to anything that might cause a scene.
Wishes just leave your hopes up high
Questions just leave your mind to die
Uncertainty just leaves you with a sigh.....

^made by me use it if you want, please dont take credit^
I kno its not breakup but i didnt wana put it under poems lol
yA.I'm SiNgLe
i DoNt LikE u
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