Quotes added on Tuesday, December 28 2004

Sometimes you have to learn how to hide your tears, smile big and bright, and pretend everything is just fine...

`~O R I G I N A L~`
Near to the door he paused to stand,
As he took his class ring off her hand.
All who watching did not speak,
As a silent tear ran down his cheek,
As through his mind the memories ran of the moments they walked in the sand hand in hand.
But now her eyes so terribly cold,
For he would never again have her to hold.
They watched in silence as he bent near,
And whispered the words," I love you" in her ear.
He touched her face and started to cry,
As he put on his ring and wanted to die.
Just then the wind began to blow,
As they lowered her casket into the snow........
I Wait for you out in the cold,
Wait for you to have; to hold.
As I remember the nights I shared with you,
Remember how you used to my boo.
Now, I sit here all alone,
Waiting for you to come on home,
But, it looks as if your gone forever.
Now, I have noone to hold me,
noone to miss or kiss me, not ever!!
All I have are our memories
life is like a barrell of monkeys......
life is like a bowl of pork chops...(dont ask..becuase idk)lololol =]

Love to God is a game-
The people we fall in love with
are the people who hold the
puzzle piece we need to complete
our heart. And when the person
rejects you it is because you
don’t hold the puzzle piece that
they need to complete theirz…

DiVa.. Im mE iF Ya
wAnT It...
~*~ you're name should be Campbell's cuz ur mMm MmM good~*~
I Don't need a best friend...
i need A lot of TRUE FRIENDS
*I DoN'T CoPy aNyBuDdY ... PpL Jus tHiNk I Do bC I aM My SeLf ....i mIgHt sAy tHe SaMe woRd ... I MiGhTLiKe oNe oF Ur qUoTeS ... BuT JuS caUsE U sAy iT oR u HaVe tHaT qOuTe dOEsN't MEaN I cOpY U ... It iS A FrEe cOuNtReY ... i cAn SaY tHe SaMe wOrD ... bUt if I wAs tHeRe wHEn tHaT qUoTe mEnT soMtHiNg u sHoUlNd't bLaMe mE 4 lIkInG It.... i dOn;t cOpY AnY BoDy*

**My all time Favorite Qoute!!
Looks hott with Comic Sams N black font with a wite backround
ThErE IS No rOoM In mUh hArT FoR
fAlsE FrIENdS... bAckStAbBErS .... AnD
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