Quotes added on Saturday, January 15 2005

dont pick your nose unless its a winner
Go Shopping. Beach walking. Spy on guys. Catch flyer flies. Talk a lot. Never stop. Get a tan. Find your man.
And always be friends.
--->(put friends here)

<333 triple heArt LoVe
itSz nOt mY faUlt,
i feLl fOr yOu ..
i swEar mY friEnd triPped mE!!!
A sMyLe iS cOnTaGiOuS ; )

bRiTtaNi -N- tAyLoR....*B*F*F*A*A*F*
7 rEaSoNs To DaTe A sTaTe GerL...

N-aUgHtY GerL
C-uTii Pye


bRiTtAni-RaE-TaRt *\l/*
ChRiStiNa-tAyLoR-BeAsLeY *\l/*
ThErE WaS dOuBle DaRiNg,PiNkY SwEaRiN*
*~aNd VoWiNg 2 B FrIeNdS 4EvA~*
*OuR iNtErEsTs In ToYs SlOwLy ChAnGeD tO bOyS*
*~BuT wE'vE aLwAyS sTuCk 2GeThEr~*
*We'D hAvE oUr FiTeS aT sLeEpOvA nItEs*
*ThAt DiDnT wOrK oUt As We PlAnNEd*
*~BuT wE'd TrY 2 4gEt,No MaTtA hOw UpSeT~*
*We'D tRy 2 UnDeRsTaNd*
*WeN i SaY i LuV u*
*I mEaN iT fRoM tHa HeArT*
*I'lL aLwAyS cArE aNd AlWaYs B tHeRe*
*~LiKe U hAvE fRoM tHe StArT~*
*~aT oNe PoInT iN tImE~*
*We'Ll SaY oUr GoOdByEs*
*~BeCoMe AdUlTs AnD LiVe SePaRAtE lIvEs~*
*~BuT SuN oR rAiN, nO mAtTa WhAt WeAtHeR~*
*Ur AlWayS mY FrIeNd, NoW aNd FoReVeR*
all you wanted was somebody to care.....
-michelle branch

i LiKe ThE wAy YeW sPeNd $65.00 oN An AmEriCaN eAgLe HooDiE
i LiKe ThE WaY yEw SpEnT aLoT Of YoUr TyMe oN mEe
i LikE ThE wAy YoU UsEd tO LoVe MeE
i Like ThE wAy YeW SeD YeW MiSSeD MeE
i LiKe ThE wAY YeW KiSSed MeE
BuT NoW ThaT YeW r GoNe i DoNt LiKe The WaY YoU tHiNk YeW cAn iGnOrE MeE aNd MiStReaT Me....BuT i HavE aLMoSt CoMe to ThE PoiNt WhErE i DoNt CaRe WhUt Yew Do aNii MoRe BcUz eVeRyTyMe i tRii To CaRe iT DoesNt Git MeE aNiWhErE...

DeDiCaTeD--RyAn AndReW BaReFooT

--BriTTaNi RaE tArt--
-->>why cant i breathe<<--
(( whenever i talk about you))
{[{[ why can't i sleep}]}]
** whenever i think about you**
this hurts more than you'll ever know
and somehow i still cant let you go
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