Quotes added on Wednesday, March 23 2005

*Sw3Et liL HuNniE, As cutE As cAn Be
*NoT Even JaRuLe cAN PuT It On mE
*As qUiCK aS a cHe3tAh, aS sWiFt As thE OcEan
*JuvEn!lLe tOlD m3 tAh gO iN sLo~mOtIoN
*IiM Da cUt3sT liL guRli3 YaH ev3r dId sE3
*Im ThA OnE mAKiN MasT3r P gO OoOoWeEee!
*SmO0o0oTh aS a RivEr, caLm aS tHa S3a
*NoT Ev3n NeLly cAn RidE WiT mE!
*N dOnT 4g3t I ->RocK<- aT EverYthiing yOo LacK
*EvEn FaBoLouS tOlD mE tAh HoLlA BacK!
*iM aS ~HaWt~ As FiiRe, cOlD aS IcE
*NoT eVen LL cOol J CaN GIvE mE *pArAdiS3*
*ImA PrEtTy liL hUnNi WIThA BaNgiN BoDy
*50 wAsnT ThA 1sT tAh sAy GO SHAWTY!
*I aM sO {sWe3t} N sO dEvInE
*fLiP aInT dA OnLy OnE cAlLiN ME sUnshInE!
.·:*¨¤¨*:· YA! .·:*¨¤¨*:·.

`·.       .·´
   /.· :·.\ 
      (.•´  mAkE a WiSh
      ( `•.¸
       `•.¸ ) oN a
      (.•´  ShOoTiNg StAR!
     ( `•.¸
      `•.¸ ) N HoPe It coMeZ TrUe
.·´ H .·´¨)
(¸¸.·´  .·´ 
       .·´E  .·´¨)
      (¸¸.·´  .·´
            .·´ L  .·´¨)
           (¸¸.·´  .·´ 
                 .·´L .·´¨)
                (¸¸.·´  .·´ 
                      .·´O .·´¨)
                    (¸¸.·´  .·´
*:·. We'Ll
.·* Be
.·:* MiLeS
*:·. ApArT
.·* I'Ll
*:·. KeEp
.·* YoU
.·:* DeEp
*:·. InSiDe
.·. YoUr
(`·.¸ AlWaYs
`·.¸) In
)´ My
LaTe At NiGhT WhEn AlL ThE WoRlD Iz SlEePin' I StAy Up AND ThInK Of YoU ThEn YoU WhIspEr To Me AnD SaY I LoVe YoU! I LoVe YoU ToO! NoW Im DrEaMIn' WiTh YoU ToNiTe TilL ToMoRr0W AnD ThE ReSt Of My LiFe AnD ThErEz No WhErE In ThE WoRlD I'd RaThEr Be ThAn HeRe In My RoOm DrEaMiN WiTh YoU EnDlEsSlY!!!!
Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that
take our breath away.

*Will Smith in Hitch*

         .--.  .-"     "-.  .--.
        / .. \/  .-. .-.  \/ .. \
       | |  '|  /   Y   \  |'  | |
       | \   \  \ 0 | 0 /  /   / |
        \ '- ,\.-"`` ``"-./, -' /
         `'-' /_   ^ ^   _\ '-'`
            '|  \._ _ _./  |'
             \   \     /   / 
              '._ '---' _.'

its a monkey! *use and abuse*
he handed her a bouquet of flowers..
11 ReAl 1 FaKe
and he said i will love you till the last one dies

^ i thought that was so sweet^
@ track practice!!
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