Quotes added on Sunday, November 19 2006

Hold me tight
and don't let go
and whisper in my ear:
Baby, I love you have no Fear.
plant a kiss apon my cheek
and tell me you will never let me go!!

Because baby you mean the world to me!!!

Make it cute and Im me to tell you that you are goign to use it!!!!!!!!!!!1
i wish i could be as cold hearted as you
and just walk past you in the hall
like everything we had ment
[nothing] at all

-dont want this to happen babe
i wish i could be as cold hearted as you
and just walk past you in the hall
like everything we had ment
[nothing] at all

-dont want this to happen babe
Some People go to school for Education,But most go for their social life!!!
There are plenty more fish in the sea, but who wants too date a fish!!!
Your voice was the soundtrack to my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't ever wanna long another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
EvErYdAy I sMiLe
AnD aCt LiKe nOtHinGs WrOnG...
ItS cAlLeD pUtTiNg eVerYthiNg aSiDe
AnD bEiNg StrOnG .x3
I only like to dance in the rain
Because then no one can tell that i am crying:(

Jazz it up and im me if you are going to use it!
Mi paReNtS aLwAyS tell Me tO eNjOy LiFe nOw,
bEcAuSe wHeN I gRoW Up, i`lL HaVe tO dEaL WitH
AlL tHe "HaRd ThiNgS".. LiKe WoRkiNg aNd paYinG
BiLls. BuT fOr sOmE rEaSoN, tHaT sOuNdS sO mUcH
BeTtEr ThAn bRoKeN hEaRtS && sHaTteReD DrEaMz
YoU'rE miSsiNg oN wHaT iS riGhT iN fRoNt oF yOu..
A giRl WhO iS WilLiNg tO giVe aNyThiNg tO bE WiTh yOu.
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