Quotes added on Wednesday, June 12 2013

Pray for

The world isn't sunshine and rainbows...

Stuff happens.
I've been through enough to know that when you get hit, you just get up,
dust yourself off, and let it go. Thinking and thinking about bad things
gets you NOWHERE.

And as for accusing people of things they never did...
that doesn't make anything right either.
Somtimes the urger to tarnish my skin is nearly
louder than the urge to keep a promise.

When you talk to your crush from 11 p.m. until 4 a.m.
"Wow, it's finally 4 a.m...I cannot believe we stayed up this long!"
and you can't help but get butterflies
"I know, I'm kind of surprised that you didn't fall asleep again."
the playful teasing makes your head spin
"You're probaly more tired than I am..You should probaly go to sleep."
and your mouth starts to feel numb
"So should you."
Your hands start to shake
"Funny thing is...I stayed up so long that I'm not tired anymore."
and you make sure not to say the wrong thing
"Oh, no."
But his genuine concern makes you want to smile
"Ah, well, I guess I'll stay up for the rest of the night."
And you can't help but want a bit more..
"No, at least try."
You want to see how far he'll go...
"It's okay..I have stuff to do anyway..you go to bed."
And you pause, wanting to say more, before he cuts you off..your heart skips a bit as he speaks
"Baby, no"
And that's all it took.
She cuts herself.
Never too deep, never enough to die.
But enough to feel the pain.
Enough to feel the scream inside.
Sometimes I wonder why I don't have friends...
Then I remember...
I sit in my room and obsess over band members...
and youtubers...
and cats...
***You know i still didn't get over you, I never did, I was always mad that you chose him over me he left u like nothing ever happened between you and him, I was also mad about how you lied to me....... You really hurt me........ I don't wanna get hurt again***

*Hilight the Top*
"just tired"
she muttered

but you could tell
it was not just a lack
of sleep

but a lack of hope
and happiness

that made her
act the way she did

This quote does not exist.
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