Quotes added on Sunday, January 10 2016

Donald Trump is so vain, his first official act as president would be ordering a certain food chain to change it's name to McDonald Trump's.
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i love you so,i love you so
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"Economic recession is a time that differentiates between ordinary and extraordinary firms;
the former will fire while the latter will hire for it has a vision to build a sustainable business empire."

~Anuj Somany
i am really bored of myself. for how long can a person be sad? i am bored of being afraid and i am bored of feeling scared to be afraid. i am bored of being afraid of failure, when i have already failed. all i am doing is trying to go through another day without being damaged inside but i fail. the worst part is that i have sat down being afraid to stand up because i fear of falling down again. it's just a vicious circle. there is no way out.
*me* I'm ok.
*me* *tries to move*
*me* I'm not ok.

So much going on right now
I am lost in the blueness
Work and meetings returning
The ancient library it is cold
My attention turned other things
I am not returning
Writing University Children
I pretended it was a normal day
They will be leaving soon - for good
But a whisper as you passed me by
The summer here has been so terrible
Country roads chandlers small streams
Lately has the sun shone
Counting headstones as tears fell
The skies gave up their latent blueness
What happened to all my friends?
I am not happy right now
I went about my tasks
But still I write
A great hunter sitting on a stump
Perhaps Autumn will transpire
Trees the mountains a secret place
Giving me my life back
No one but me can rock my grandchild
I am floating on the lea of other's
Clear streams mountain roads turning
Their wishes
Dog barking as if a wave
Their demands
Will I dream again of beautiful things?
No time to be selfish
The homeless lady with a gift cried
Although I long to be so
I could be her if I ignored the bugs
I saw your photographs
Did you speak or was it the wind?
sitting with your grand daughter
Speaking in Elf eating a popsicle dreams
your poems are sad
A dark tear glistened as it fell
I do not know how you are really feeling
I smiled as I thought of you
I cannot respond to them
Rainbows in waterfalls
in the sadness
The smiles of little ones
but I think of you every day
I searching the universe for answers
you are lost
My sadness is less
we have the past
You visit the blue rooms less
we can smile
Your voice so far away
but as for the future
One by one
we have to create a new one
The we of I vanish
new dreams
Beauty in the ordinary
new rooms
A new puppy named Lola
new libraries
She is white the flees cannot hide
new vista's
With the fluttering of your eyes
let us create
The lies all vanish
another scenario
A pottery shop in the shed
where all is green
A chicken coop with chicks
and yellow
Soon it will be cold
a new color scheme
A mountain in the back yard
for tomorrow
Too steep to climb
it is useless to be blue
Will I dream again of beautiful things?
it gets us no-where
Come see my secret world it is alive
This quote does not exist.

All the colors I am inside have not been invented yet. I have room to grow and prosper.

Don't think about the future,
just be here now.
Don't think about the past, 
just be here now.
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