Vent Quote #1732022
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Quote #1732022

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x_br0kenHearted_x 1 decade ago
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the reason people might judge you is because you are different. and some people are scared of those whom are different and can express their own feelings. they are scared of those who step out of line or defy the "system". the "system" has created like , stereotypes... like that. you should be proud of yourself for not caring what other people think. i wish i could be like that, i mean, i can stand up for myself but when it all comes down to it im still the same little girl i was when i was 5. scars are simply reminders of the hurt we've been through and SURVIVED. you should be proud (:
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muhchellex3 1 decade ago
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thanks. i guess?
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randomxxcardss42xo 1 decade ago
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i like you. not in a creepy lesbianish way, i more or less just like the way you think.
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posted August 9, 2010 at 2:35am UTC tagged with vent

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