Vent Quote #3889207
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Quote #3889207

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amandamariie 1 decade ago
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but its there choice and honestly if someone wants to smoke or drink theyre not going to stop because there friend turned on them.. and honetsly wereee kidsss weed is usually a stage grown out of as well as drinking wen the parties slow down.. were kids everyones so held up in playin it safe do they ever really live. and weed isnt even bad for you.. if youd like a whole explanation id give it.. drinkin can be bad only if you over do it. some beer is actually healthy to have one.. and they say ppl who have a glass of wine a day live longer.
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cestlavie 1 decade ago
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i see where your coming from, but a lot of times your friends might be concerned for your health and well being. if you get caught smoking weed, you can get in a lot of trouble. and cigarettes can lead to cancer and birth defects and all these horrible things. and drinking is really bad for you as well. none of those things are good choices, (except , as long as its with protection) because they can really hurt you in the long run.
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amandamariie 1 decade ago
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it doesnnt evenn do anything to you! weed is bettter for you then alcoholllllllllllllllllllllll!
the only thing that makes it bad for u is how u smoke it .. and honestly ppl shud mind there own buisness r u bothering anybody?
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HiImAwkward 1 decade ago
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thank you!
everybody calls me a pothead and judges me because i smoke weed, and then when i try and defend myself they call me stupid or up in the head because supposedly the weed is getting to my brain...
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amandamariie 1 decade ago
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thankgodd someonee agrees <3
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xxsammxx6 1 decade ago
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my feeelings exactlyyyy.
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posted September 20, 2011 at 9:15pm UTC tagged with vent

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