Quote Quote #4748934
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BESTFRIENDJK 1 decade ago
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Thank you. Thanks for sharing this with us cuz it probably was hard for you to say.and it is sooo true about all these girls(and guys) complaining about the silliest things. And i really hope that the people that do complain about things like that will read this and realize how small their problems are compared to yours or other peoples. And i hope they remember to be grateful for their lives
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Pearlonthesea 1 decade ago
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I'm really sorry :*(
I obviously have never been in your shoes or known what proper pain is like, from what you've experienced. Reading this made me tear up and realise how stupid I am, and how stupid "my problems" are :\
Your words have an actual meaning that most people can't define....
Hang in there, buddy(: Things just might get better
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Hopelessromantic12 1 decade ago
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I know what you mean. I have father issues too. Definitely not as bad as yours. You can read a little about it on my profile. He does physically and verbally abuse me, but he thinks he has an excuse because he's disabled. I'd love to talk to you. So, if you want to talk, let me know.
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XxSammyluv821 1 decade ago
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Oh my gosh I am so sorry. If you ever need to talk im here.
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SexySpazzKay 1 decade ago
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Heyy, your prob just guna look at this comment and be like "oh, whatever" but I want you to know there are people out there that really do care about you. You got a whole army of witty girls to stand by you during the hard times. I totally get where you are coming from. Even though I don't know what your going through, I'm here if you wanna talk or just needa get stuff off your chest. Stay strong bro, we got you.(:
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xxgoofygirlxx14 1 decade ago
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i can't say i know how you feel cuz i don't but i'm so sorry this really made me cry
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Kyr533 1 decade ago
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Hey, I'm not trying to be a here, like at all. Reading that just about broke my heart, and I'm so sorry. Yes, your problems may be WORSE than being dumped at 13, but that can still really hurt someone. I know when my boyfriend broke up with me, I didnt eat for a long time. I started cutting. I cried myself to sleep every night. But venting about it made me feel better. So yeah maybe its not as big a problem, but that doesnt mean someone should feel bad for venting about it just because there's people who have it worse out there..
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lovewithallyouhave 1 decade ago
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wow im so sorry...
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Missarky 1 decade ago
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Im really sorry....I know I dont know what your going through, or anything close, but if you ever need anything* I'll always be here.
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dontforgetxx1513 1 decade ago
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This is really sad& I'm so very sorry. I can definitely see where you're coming from. but what you call as "The silliest things" are what this website is made for. Thats why there is a vent catagory and it is one of the most popular catagories on witty. The thing is, sometimes when people write these quotes; they're not thinking about how people will take them, right then and there, all their bottled up emotions are coming alive on the computer screen, and at least they feel a little bit better about releasing these dreadful..weights on their chests. The only reason I'm saying this is because I am one of the people that don't really think about how other people will take my quotes, but how I will feel after I write them.♥ again, I'm so sorry about what's going on and if you ever need anything, I'm here for you.
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tonilicious3000 1 decade ago
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has anybody really complained about how their thirteen and their boyfriend broke up with them..hmm i probably skipped over it:P
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CherryChapstick06 1 decade ago
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OMG :'[ just reading that made me realize how stupid "my problems" are, so thanks for the wisdom, and i hope one day things will go better for you :] hang in there♥
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JustCantLiveALie 1 decade ago
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I'm here if you need to talk. (:
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guitargirl13 1 decade ago
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I'm here for you :) <3
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picklesandicecream13 1 decade ago
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im soooo sorry that any of that happen to you. if you need someone to talk to im here for you.
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ThatsSoMeee 1 decade ago
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hey Joey. if you ever wanna talk , i am here.
i have no idea what you go through , but i would love to be helpful
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theunicorn 1 decade ago
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Did you make this because you saw my quote :o
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BabyLove123 1 decade ago
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Im sorry:/ Im here if you ever need to talk to someone(:
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jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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I agree with you. I suffer from anxiety, and I might even have to start taking a medication pretty soon. I'd rather have a broken heart than a panic attack almost every freaking morning.

I'm so sorry - why don't you call the cops?
I admire you for staying strong all these years, and I'll be praying for you. ♥
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x3Daniellleex3 1 decade ago
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My heart just broke a little.
That really changed the way i look at things now.
Im really really sorry.
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138 Wittians like this


posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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