Quote Quote #5593077
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_vannah_432 1 decade ago
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Girly, you're gorgeous, don't let anyone tell you different :)
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_LoveSuicidexo 1 decade ago
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hey Kat, you know i wasn't looking for your opinion on this. i wasn't looking for anybody's. some are nice and i appreciate them, but you can take yours and shove it right up your a*s. just because your life sucks, doesn't give you a right to try and f*ck with mine. get over yourself.
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Karin* 1 decade ago
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A) there is no "fat." Weight is just a number.
B) Your mom will always love you. She won't realize how much until you're gone.
C) You should look forward to your future. So many new things will come.
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I_am_awesome 1 decade ago
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its better to look at the good things in life and im sorry for barging in your private life but what do you mean by I'm not going through puberty normally.?
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evey 1 decade ago
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what is molested ???
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LilyTheGreat 1 decade ago
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1. Your body is absolutely perfect! If you think you're fat, think again, you're not. Even if you "were" fat, it wouldn't be a bad thing at ALL. Rather fat than starving.
2. You're NOT the only one with a bad past, trust me. And who knows, your future might be brighter than ever!
3. How on earth could you not be beautiful? Pretty please believe me, you're more than you think. You're pretty, beautiful, cute, and words can't change that.
4. When people say nasty things, that's fully THEIR problem, not yours. Once again, you're beautiful and no words can change that!
5. I'm in a lot of fights too, you're not the only one. And that just shows that you're a person who stands for what you think and will fight for what you love, and that's not a bad thing.
6. I'm the exact same. I seriously can't ever sleep at night. But you'll get through it, I pinky swear!
7. Well, than it's time to start caring about yourslef, 'cause your worth that!
8. There are tons of people out there who can't have kids! You're not alone, never alone.
8.That only shows you're stronger than everybody else to go through that!
9. Whatever you do, don't kill yourself, I beg you! Pretty please? I really do care more than you think and so do lots of other people! Do what makes YOU happy, and everything will be fine at last!
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beautifulsmiles 1 decade ago
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When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, there are always a few small things there to make you smile. Stay strong, it may not become easier, but it will be easier to deal with, in the long-run. Everyone is beautiul in their own way<3
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Nena_The_Mexican 1 decade ago
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Stay Strong!! Your Beautiful(:
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posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote