Away Messages Quote #6339923
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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Im just so may think i have

Im just so may think i have a perfect life but its just the opposite...
--I hate going to school--its so much stress you have no idea
--i hate going to soccer because my team hates me and makes me miserable enough to actually cry everyday
--i cant trust basically anyone because a few months ago my 2 best friends were talking about me behind my back for a week
--i hate coming home because every night my family gets into some sort of fight over some stupid crap 
just because im not poor, living in a bad neighborhood, cut, or am suicidal doesnt mean i dont hurt on the inside, but like everyone else i put on my best smile and pretend its all ok

sorry needed to vent...i've had a long day

not my format.


ilovemustaches830 1 decade ago
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your not alone i have the dame exact problems
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mylittleapplepie 1 decade ago
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Don't ever apologize for the way you feel. For me, looking at this quote is like looking in a mirror. I'm a very strong person, or at least I used to be. There's this one girl at my school, everyone thinks that she's SO nice, but she's been bullying me and my best friend for the past 7 months. And the reason? Because I invited 3 of my friends to the mall and she wasn't one of them. She tells everyone that I'm bullying her and that she wants to kill herself because of me...when all I've ever said to or about her is that she doesn't need to be invited everywhere. And the worse part is, everyday I sit alone because she convinces everyone, even my best friends, not to sit with me. I don't know everything that she tells them, but I know that she's called me a , a freak, a , etc. I have some of the texts that she sent people about me, but the school refuses to do anything, even after seeing each and every one. Sorry, this probably isn't what you need right now, I just wanted to let you know that I know what you're going through. I'm not suicidal either, every time I think of giving up, I remember why I held on so long in the first place. Maybe for you that's sports, a family member, a book, or a tv show, whatever it is, hold on tight and don't let go. If you EVER need to talk, I'm here.
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ForeverAndAlways3 1 decade ago
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aw thank you so much baby:* u stay strong to and if you ever need anything just tell me and dont let that horrible girl get to you she is just jealous that you have amazing friends...stay strong:*
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mylittleapplepie 1 decade ago
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Thanks :) and it's getting better. Is there anything you need to talk about? I'm a very good listener ;)
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ForeverAndAlways3 1 decade ago
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go on chat when you can...
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