Celeb Quote #6559119
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Quote #6559119

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★♡flying high♥☆* 1 decade ago
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i agree she so full of herself and think she can get any boy she wants now i must say i do like some of her songs but i dont like her and people can go ahead and s id i like her songs then i jave to like he but most of ye do the same yo justin bieber so go away
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JusttSmilee 1 decade ago
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In the song picture to burn when she said "go and tell your friends im obsessive and crazy that's fine I'll tell mine that you're gay" she wasnt saying it against gays she was saying that he is telling lies about her so she would lie about him and call him gay so no girls would go out with him
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odd 1 decade ago
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noooooo honey
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BittersweetMemory 1 decade ago
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goofball527 1 decade ago
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i used to love her but i understand you perspective also there is a picture of her without makeup and its like a different person she is too fake. but when did she go against gays?
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Cailin Dorothy* 1 decade ago
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odd 1 decade ago
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Go away, because you keep saying the crap and that doesn't make it anymore true.
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Cailin Dorothy* 1 decade ago
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odd 1 decade ago
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Not to you!
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Katherine * 1 decade ago
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omg. i love you.
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PurplePinkDreams 1 decade ago
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Who are you to judge her? You have no right to do that. You judge her personality by the songs she writes? Really? C'mon. It's song writing. Music industry. Get over it ok. You describe Taylor like she's a monster or something. The truth is that you know nothing about her. You judge her only by what you get to see, what she chooses to show. You don't really know who she is. The fact that she's a celebrity doesn't give you the right to talk t about her, she's human too you know. Leave her alone and mind your own business, instead of criticizing her as if you were perfect.
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Harper* 1 decade ago
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this totaly made my day love this love you
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HeidioPHD 1 decade ago
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Yesssssss. I swear whenever I say " don't like Taylor swift" people either say I'm jealous of her or that I don't know anything about her. This just spoke my mind
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TheJealousOne 1 decade ago
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omg, thank you! seriously love you now omg
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josiewdog123 1 decade ago
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cooperandkiara 1 decade ago
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Good quote 
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erinnn 1 decade ago
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I love you this is so true
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stay_golden 1 decade ago
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Wow, this left me speechless. You just changed my perspective on Taylor Swift, because this quote speaks truth. People think that just because celebrities are pretty and have nice songs, they're good people, but that's not true. Most singers don't write their own music, their voice isn't exactly how it is in their songs, their faces aren't as perfect as they look in magazines. I don't know where I'm going with this, I really don't. It's just, you spoke the truth in this quote and people are flipping sh/t on you for it when I respect you. Thank you.
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BlueEyedNobody 1 decade ago
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I totally agree with you (and if anyone now tells me I can go kill myself, I won't even consider it like I did 3 nights ago), and you are very brave for saying it. + Who the f//c invites whole f//king zoo into their house to play the fu//ing guitar after they broke up and are "Never getting back together" with that guy? Normal person? I don't f//king think so.
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MeMyselfandHim 1 decade ago
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Well... She's hot, I'd hit those- I mean that- I mean her.
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charlieisnotaunicorn 1 decade ago
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okokokok I see your point, and I don't really like taylor swift either. But I really don't get how any of these things give you the right to hate her exactly. one, about the telling the girls those things, like, every mainstream artist does that. and you can't disagree. those themes are popular right now and hating taylor swift specifically because of it doesn't make sense. two, you don't know if she's a biitch, you don't know if she "draws in guys with a nice girl facade". for the purpose of music, she could write whatever she wants into her lyrics. three, a ? "" meaning she dates a lot of guys? or has casual , like what is that supposed to mean? so what if she dates a lot of guys, nooope that doesn't give you the right to call her by a derogatory term that shames women for dressing or acting a certain way. Saying that taylor swift is a -shamer, and then shaming her for being a , makes you a hypocrite.
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AnjiTheMadHatter 1 decade ago
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I liked her before she was popular, now she's too mainstream. Taylor Swift is too mainstream. (By the way, I don't agree with everything, but you do have a valid point)..
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Ethanol 1 decade ago
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yes yes i agree to this
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loserbitch* 1 decade ago
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iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou. i love you.
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itzBreezy301 1 decade ago
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Loll at the comments below. Everybody that's spazzing out on odd for an opinion, calm your b00bies people. Honestly I hate Taylor and I do not think she is a great roll model. And all of you guys are like "You don't even know her to judge." Ect. Well neither do you, it's an opinion and all you guys need to get the f/uck over it. I agree with odd's opinion. And if you don't I think you guys should just shut the f/uck up and respect others opinions. And for those who kept arguing further just stop if your argument is invalid or irrelevant. Thank you goodbye. :)
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itzBreezy301 1 decade ago
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Well since most of you are grammar nazis *role model
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