Vent Quote #6730101
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I think a lot of overweight girls are hypocrites. I'm naturally

I think a lot of overweight girls are hypocrites. I'm naturally skinny, I eat
what I want, I don't starve myself, and I am beautiful. So why are you allowed to love your "curves", but it's wrong for me to love my "bones"? Why is it okay for you to call me anorexic, but horrible for me to call you fat? If you can feel beautiful for being big, I can feel beautiful for being small.
Get over it.


Human 1 decade ago
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So how is saying someone is over weight offensive, what are you supposed to call an overweight person curvy? Because not all overweight people are curvy so that isn't even a correct statement also thicker? Isn't that worse than over weight, if you are over the ordinary weight for your age and size that is over weight, there's nothing mean about the facts. Jeesh some people take everything so seriously and get so offended by nothing. I know skinny girls that want boobs and butts, I know over weight girls that want to be skinnier. Oh and it isn't just overweight girls getting made fun of for their weight so no one should start with that lie because I have seen girls make fun of skinny girls and there probably are overweight girls that make fun of skinny girls.
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Pesadilla 1 decade ago
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i don't think i've ever agreed to a quote this much before.
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BrookieeCookiee 1 decade ago
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I love how you said "i think a lot of overweight girls are hypocrites" so you can call us overweight but we can't call you boney...? talk about being a hypocrite. I've never said being skinny was a bad i'm not most "overweight girls". You know what this quote show have said? everyone stop making a big deal over size. who the heck cares. if im thin? great. if im thicker? cool. don't call people boney twigs underweight just like you don't call people overweight fat or chubby.
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caitiecatforever 1 decade ago
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p0kemon 1 decade ago
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I have curves and my stomach is flat.
not like boney flat, but it's good enough.
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ParticipationAward* 1 decade ago
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lol having curves but a flat stomach is like my dream body type you should be so happy! :)
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p0kemon 1 decade ago
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it still has some flab but it's still ok. i don't have like a blob. (i sound offensive, sorry if I offended anyone!)
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ParticipationAward* 1 decade ago
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lol a blob :b and no im pretty sure that that isn't a offensive thing to say it was just a really funny way of putting it.
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p0kemon 1 decade ago
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ok good:)
you seem cool.
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budcool 1 decade ago
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being fat and having curves are different! and i don't know ANY fat person that feels beautiful! so stop being so dramatic and acting like its so bad to be thin suck it up!
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dinosaur_rawr 1 decade ago
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you say you don't know any fat person that feels beautiful? well you do now I am overweight for my age and height and I still feel beautiful! Yes I don't always feel beautiful but no one feels beautiful all the time!!
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budcool 1 decade ago
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yeah i guess ur right srry i just meant that how people always act like its such an awefull thing to be thin and its bad to be fat too.
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kissofdeathx_x 1 decade ago
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I agree.
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Melrose* 1 decade ago
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Well, being curvy and being fat are different. They shouldn't be associated . And to be honest. I here more skinny girls insulting bigger girls than the other way around.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I don't think people always direct it as "Ew, she's skinny" but more of "Real boys love curves, not bones." and things like that, which is basically saying that people who are naturally smaller shouldn't be cared for as much as people who are bigger. I hear insults more towards thicker people, but the other statements like the one above are still there. Usually when someone says curves, they mean to say a thicker girl, but in a more polite way. It's like saying "skinny girl" rather than "bone girl."
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SalemSoto 1 decade ago
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so true ..
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BiggestMusicFreak 1 decade ago
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i think this is very stereotypical and rude. i love you and your quotes but this is just...rude. sorry but i just wanted to voice my opinion because this site is 99% skinny girls
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Pesadilla 1 decade ago
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this isn't rude though,
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kelly* 1 decade ago
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yeah I'm part of the 1% I'm 10 kilos off of being overweight ^-^
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munster 1 decade ago
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How is this rude? And actually I disagree with that statement.
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Emilyycanfly 1 decade ago
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I second that.
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Kailey♥* 1 decade ago
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AMEN, HALLELUJAH, ETC, ETC I LOVE THIS. I have a REALLY fast metabolism so I eat whatever I want and I'm naturally skinny, my friends constantly make fun of me for being so thin and at first it was funny, but now it just hurts, a lot. My doctor weighed me today and my weight is 99.2, which is a high record for me! My previous was 94. My arms and legs are bones and I can't help it. It hurts, and don't say "oh you're lucky to be so thin" cause you're not, guys don't go chasing after me because I'm skinny. So please people, stfu. It hurts just as much.
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MissHatty 1 decade ago
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AMEN to be honest, being skinny isn't good, I have no bum/boobs and no curves whatsoever and I hate the way I look.... skinny girls are just as insecure as girls who are larger?
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AWittyGirl 1 decade ago
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so true!
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AWittyGirl 1 decade ago
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I absolutley love this. I am naturally very thin and tbh its the same to go up to someone and say OMG you're so skinny as it is to say OMG you're so fat. It hurts just as much too :/
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MissOpportunist 1 decade ago
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Ohmigosh this is so true!! I'm not skiny at all lol but I really agree with this - People just need to get ever themselves cuz everybody's different. Although my best friend kinda annoys me, she's like tiny and is convinced she's really fat - it's a shame people can't just accept anyone like it's not bigger girls fault if they're big and it's not smaller girls fault if they're small - you should love your self no matter what anyone says and if you don't wanna be judged on your weight, don't flipping judge anyone else. Hypocrites are like totally the worst! :) x
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sammie1288 1 decade ago
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glitter162* 1 decade ago
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Perfect quote. <3 I am 4ft 6in and weigh 70 pounds. No, I'm not anorexic, no, I don't starve myself. I get teased all the time because of my "small-ness". It's who I am! Why is being petite suddenly so wrong?
Sure, you don't need a thigh gap to be beautiful. But why can't smaller girls be condidered 'pretty' anymore? We can't change our size. (At least most can't.) But we're still people, right?
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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I love you for this. I'm naturally skinny too, and I have a thigh gap. I'm 15 and weigh 97 lbs, and everyone thinks I'm anorexic, like seriously, I devour any food in sight..
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Breeze 1 decade ago
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They're just jealous. Really. Almost all girls want to be skinny.
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lovecrazy 1 decade ago
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And I think a lot of skinny girls are rude about things like weight. It's never really thicker girls calling other thick girls fat, no it's usually skinny girls calling them fat. Being called fat hurts just as bad as being called anorexic. Maybe she's skinny, so what? Maybe she's a bit bigger, so what? I don't see how it is anyone else's business to call someone out on their body. Just keep your mouth shut, and the world will be a much happier place.
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Hale_Storm18 1 decade ago
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Really? You're upset about this? I didn't flip when you (and others) posted quotes that insulted girls with thigh gaps, even though I was genuinely hurt and offended. I have been bullied for my body type for years. So, if I need to keep my mouth shut about body types, others should too.
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lovecrazy 1 decade ago
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I wasn't telling you specifically to keep your mouth shut, I was saying everyone should. My quote wasn't meant to offend girls who naturally have a thigh gap, it was meant to show girls that they don't need a thigh gap. I've been bullied for mine too, it hurts whether you're skinny or not.
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Nicklebee 1 decade ago
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This <3
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wanderer* 1 decade ago
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exact same situation here. they tease me about being skinny... even though I eat any food I see.
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polinaagoldberg* 1 decade ago
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That's basically my life. I'm not even that skinny I'm just really petite. I'm 13 5 feet and weigh 90 pounds. I don't have DD bo.obs or a huge So what? I'm beautiful and I love my body just the way it is.
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fibomidget 1 decade ago
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I'm 13 too and I always get teased for being small and my friends always tell me to put on weight. Then if they see me eating like a pig they'll tell to stop ruining my skinny body because when I'm older I'll put all that weight on. They even say they are jealous. Of me. *Shudders* So yeah- that is basically my life story... :/
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polinaagoldberg* 1 decade ago
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It's like you just described my life
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DeathlyHallows 1 decade ago
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same here...
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