Vent Quote #6760794
all quotes · vent · anxiety · honestly · somegirlsactlikeitsfuckingcute · doyouhaveanxiety ·

Anxiety isn't a fashion statement. It's a miserable disorder

Anxiety isn't a fashion statement. It's a miserable disorder with actual, real
uncontrollable symptoms that eat you alive and distance you from the people you love. So, stop making it "trendy".


bluegreeneyes28 1 decade ago
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I have anxiety myself and it makes me sick when people just toss it around like they know what is it when in reality they have no idea what were going through. this is the most real quote ever!
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OreoLover 1 decade ago
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UGH. YES. OMG. I could not agree with you more. It aggravates the hell out of me when people in my school are like , "omg i hate anxiety." and they get soooo much attention for it, when they dont even have anxiety. like no. they don't even know what its like-.- I've left school/stayed home before so many times because of it, and it sucks. when i get anxiety attacks, my heart rate gets to be over 150 and its really scary, and i get really dizzy/: i have graduation coming up in like, a month and im freaking out! people are like, "oh its just nerves, we all feel that way." but do they ALL feel like they're going to DIE when they have to walk up and get their diplomas? ughhh-___- I swear i'm counting down the days until summer... then theres this one girl who's like, " calm down i know how you feel i have anxiety too. " If she really had it, she wouldnt be telling me to "calm down."
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RandomSmileyFace 1 decade ago
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I agree! It's hard not being able to sleep at night sometimes because of anxiety, and sometimes being scared of going out places. Then you want to cry sometimes but you don't know why and you sometimes panic over little things that aren't really a big deal. Then there's the girls who r like OMG this is giving me ANXIETY! ~dramatic fanning of the face~ and I'm like ..just no.
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emilygm* 1 decade ago
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*Cue standing ovation*
It's so annoying to have everyone think you're a 'nerd' because you freak out every time you get even a B. No, actually it's because I constantly worry about my future and being successful and I feel like any bad grades I get will ruin it for me. So that's why I have to wipe tears out of my face in the middle of school when nobody's looking, and why I start breathing really really fast and get anxious when I forget my homework. School will be the fudging death of me.
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imonlyhuman* 1 decade ago
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Ya, this girl in my school is always like ya i have really bad anxiety, and the boys are like awww, and i'm just sitting there like 0.o you wanna stop...its not f*cking cute, arrrrrgggg people these days, sry for the vent hehe
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jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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and it's terrible because sometimes you have absolutely no idea why you’re crying or worried. you just think of everything wrong in your life and you can’t control it; all you can do is rock back and forth and cry and breathe in and out and hope it ends soon
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Xobri96Xo 1 decade ago
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It's honestly so annoying. To live in constant fear everyday of having a panic attack. Being nervous over the littlest things. To feel like you're drowning in water, and no one is there to help you. I don't know why anyone who want to make is an act. To fear your own life is terrible and shouldn't be some fashion statement.
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Cammie 1 decade ago
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I love you.
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Hale_Storm18 1 decade ago
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^You just described my feelings perfectly.
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*silvergirl* 1 decade ago
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I have social anixety and my so called friends think it's stupid so they pretend to have it and make sure I am in the most awkward social set up ever just to see me react
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HinataUsagi 1 decade ago
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Yeah.. I kind of feel you. I had anxiety attacks last year, but now they're back.
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.* 1 decade ago
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THANK YOU. I hate the way people through it around. -__-
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hotpinkpolkadots 1 decade ago
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i love this
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