Itslovebecauseilovetohateyouall Quote #6807764
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Quote #6807764

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Hale_Storm18 1 decade ago
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and instead of changing the word you post a quote that is hidden because you included a swear and are having a temper tantrum like a 5 year old
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Kittyatethehuman 1 decade ago
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No, i'm just slightly bothered. If you don't like me having ONE rant, so you comment on it. Change that to two. People like YOU me off, you see something you don't like so you go and say it's wrong. I love your quotes, but i'm sure I can find one I dislike, that doesn't mean i'm going to say it. Get over yourself, I don't care for other peoples opinions on my actions. If I want to cuss, i'll cuss. It's still part of the English dictionary, so I have every right to use it.
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