Helpme Quote #7054930
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I can't do this anymore


I can't do this anymore



crimson24 8 years ago
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What Alpaca Prophet said. Friend, Please...Divinity (MMF)...Addict With A Pen (T|O|P)...Take The Bullets Away (WAH)...I have a sucky way with words, and these songs have spoken to me much in the past. I'm here to listen if/when you need to vent. *hug*
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Gingerwolf35 8 years ago
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The hug was much needed and appreciated ;n; -hugs- thank you, kind internet stranger ;n;
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Alpaca Prophet * 8 years ago
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Since you seem to have a good taste in music,
the best way i can speak my concern for is to give you a list of songs that speak what i want to communicate.

So please listen to:
This isn't the end By OWL CITY,
Missing you By All Time Low,
Friend Please By Twenty One Pilots,
That's all from the top of my head but please have hope in whatever you're going through that things will get better, there will be highs and lows but there's always a good outcome to the bad. I know this from experience so I'm not just spewing bullsh*t here.
Please hold on tight.
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Gingerwolf35 8 years ago
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Yes, I love all of those bands.. This isn't the end makes me cry every.time. I love all of those bands even if I haven't heard those particular songs. I believe in God.. so I don't think I'm quite to the point where I think hell is better than my life. I've almost committed suicide once or twice, but decided I didn't want to go to hell. This really helped me think what the positive effects of my situation could be :) thank you<3
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Alpaca Prophet * 8 years ago
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I'm glad to know we share the same faith and hope!
I tried suicide before i beleived so I'm glad God interviened and had someone catch me in the act.

I hope you grow and learn to have a healthy and happy life.
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