Chapter11 Quotes

The never released fairytale
Chapter 11
*one year later, present day*
"Today is the first of April.", Phillip tells me as he puts my breakfast down. My 18th birthday will be in fifteen days. I am hoping that maybe they would kill me soon. Thought about running again. But it will only be close to death. But not close enough.
"How much longer do I have to be here?” Phillip looks at me, his eyes darkening and his mouth twisting to a smile.
"Who knows?” it can't be any more obvious he is playing with me.
He leaves the room and I take my clothes to get dressed before Christopher comes.
I don't really know what Christopher could possibly teach me, but he always seems to know something I don't know yet. I can also speak about 14 languages now. He even taught me some accents and slang, which is kind of funny in my opinion.
"C'mon", Christopher tells me, barely entering my room.
I quietly follow him, same as usual.
First thing we always do is testing. Today I only said five wrong things, meaning I only have five burning straps on my back. I know it sounds odd to say that five is only a few. But it is. I once got like one hundred I think.
Whilst Christopher still has a lot to teach me, Seth doesn't have that much to teach me anymore.
"Well, I have the seventh black belt, meaning we can only practice for two more…", he thinks for a while. Then smiles dangerously and suddenly hits me. I made it in time to block, though. With that our lesson started.
But whom am I kidding? My days usually always look the same. Since 4 years. The only things that change are the person having a shower with me and the person bringing me breakfast or lunch.

Today, Christopher told me that it's the 15th of April. One day before my 18th birthday. I asked him why he told me that, he answered, "What? You don't wanna know that you turn 18 tomorrow?"
"But you never told me when my birthday is before. Why now?"
"Eighteen is a big number, m'dear."
We didn't talk more.
Seth made me make my 6th black belt today. I think I barely passed the test. But well, I am now a proud 6th belt.
Now I am in my room, laying on my bed and wondering if I won't get dinner today.
About one hour later I decided to go to bed.
Late night visit wasn't left out. But this time they take their time. So my crotch aches and bleeds even more than usual.
I usually have to endure it for about one hour. This time it was longer, maybe three.
I start to wonder, if this is goodbye.
A smile appears on my face.

Comment for a reminder.
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Chapter 11.

The nightmare came on more as I cried, NO! They killed Jane and they must've taken Furry, THEY-THEY CANT!
I shook my head crying, un-able to stop, Joe, (the green haired boy) put his arm around me, and cuddled me
" Its okay!"
Suddenly a man came walking up to us, "Hello Ruby, your master wants you!" The man said
"She is not going-" Joe and Austin (the blonde) yelled
"Okay, I will go!" I stood up and walked with the man, back too the castle door, he lead me inside. There stood Alexander, with Furry in a box, Rob chained up with Ruff, Ruffs friend and Annabeth.
"Hello Sweet cheeks," Alexander grinned, I glared wide-eyed at him, "Don't speak, Let me make this offer, You be my slave, s/x slave, wife, my tool for s/x and the mother too my future children, promise too obey me, no matter what, until the day comes I want rid of you, so I will kill You," My skin began to crawl as he spoke,
"I will Let your friends go, if not, I'll torture, AAANDDD r//pe (Annabeth) Infront of you!" I glared at him, scared, I shook my head and dropped to my knee's.
"Hey, Ruby, SAY NO, JUST DO IT!" Rob yelled "He killed Jane!"
"Ruby trust me, He'll hurt you!" Annabeth, Ruff's friend and Ruff yelled I shook my head, and cried
"I will obey you, just let them go, I'll do whatever you want!" I whimpered
"NOO!" Rob screamed
"Yes...Good girl!" Alexander smiled he clicked his fingers and the man, who brought me here, grabbed my shoulders and picked me up, "Take her too her cell!" The man lead me away down the dark hall, I cried heavily, No one was there to comfort me. Soon later I was thrown into a dark cell, in pitch blackness, still crying after an hour!

Alexander's Pov: Finally she's MINE, My little slave, she's crying in her cell, haha, yes! I guess I 'd better let Rob and the others go, I un-chained them and let them go, by throwing them out of the castle! BYE BYE!

Finally I can have s/x with her, marry her, she will have my babies! MY BABIES! Yes, she is mine forever!
Sorry this is short, I hope you've enjoyed it soo far! Poor Ruby, hey? Im sorry you guys!

If you could see me now
chapter 11

"Is it sore?" I asked, dabbing his nose with a wet cloth.
"No." He was giving me one word answers and it annoyed me. I had done nothing wrong.
"Please tell me how I messed with your head, because I'm at a loss as to how this is my fault," I said.
"The whole thing with Scarlet. I never told you about her. And you were being nice even though you knew about Scarlet and everything," he muttered.
"Yes, that's true, but that would not have happened if you had just told me in the first place that you had a girlfriend. I would have understood."
"But I liked you more than I ever liked her," he said.
"Liked? So you don't anymore?" I asked, grinning slightly.
"Of course I do, but you don't like me so there's not much else to say," he mumbled.
"Hang on. When did I say I didn't like you? I never said anything about that," I said.
"So you do?"
"I never said anything about that either."
He groaned. "This is what I'm talking about. Just tell me! You either like me or you don't."
"I do like you, but I don't want to be your girlfriend. Having said that, I don't want other people to like you or you to like other people," I said, trying to figure out where I was going with this.
"What? Why? If you like me then why won't you be my girlfriend?"
"It's a long story," I said.
"I have time."
"Well, when I was thirteen something awful happened to my mother and I was left with my Dad. I loved my Dad. We were a very happy family until the day that something happened my mother," I began.
"What happened to her?" he asked.
"Sh-sh-she k-k-k," I tried to force the words out but couldn't.
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," Conor said, wiping a tear from my cheek. He kept his hand there, resting on my face.
I took a deep breath. "She killed herself."
Conor's face went white and I wondered if, like me, he was remembering the day when he saved me from jumping off the bridge.
"Anyway, moving on," I said quickly. "My Dad didn't cope very well with her death and started drinking a lot and using drugs. He was very handsome and lots of women were interested in him. He had lots over, but they only stayed a night and then I never saw them again. 
"Then, one day, he stopped drinking and using drugs and he had this one woman, Rochelle, over. She was very beautiful, but not as beautiful as my mother. She had a son who was my age named Harry. This was when I was fourteen. They got married.
"Six months later my father got fired from his job. He spent a whole week drinking in clubs and chatting up girls that couldn't have been much older than me. I remember how much Rochelle cried and cried. I felt sorry for her and hated my father for doing this to her. You see, I believe that my mother killed herself because we didn't appreciate her and my father was always cheating on her. Maybe there are other reasons, but that's what I believe.
"When he came back after nearly a week and a half, he was so drunk I was amazed he could stand up.
""I killed her!" he shouted, erupting into laughter, holding a bloody knife in his hand.
"Rochelle and I looked at each other in shock. "Who?" "I killed the bar woman," he said, laughing again. Rochelle and I knew he wasn't joking. I saw her burst into tears. Harry sat down next to me, his face white. I buried my face in his chest and cried. I remember thinking how lucky I was to have a step-brother that I got along with so well.
"My father shouted at us to stop crying. When Rochelle did, but I couldn't, he stabbed my stomach with the knife. Harry tried to help me, but Dad hit him and smashed his head of the ground, knocking him unconscious. He stabbed him multiple times. Rochelle was going hysterical, screaming and crying. I knelt down beside Harry and took his hand. I remember how cold it was. He was dead. Dad stabbed Rochelle more times than I could count. I stared at him in horror. When Rochelle stopped breathing, and Dad looked at my terrified face, he seemed to realise what he had done.
""Jodie, I'm so sorry," he said, dropping the knife on the floor. "I love you."
"I didn't answer. But I did faint."
I looked at Conor's face. He was a sickly green colour. "Is there more?"
"Yes," I told him. "After that I was sent to live with my best friend's family since I had no other family."
"Where was your father?" Conor asked.
"Prison obviously," I said. "Well, my best friend was named Evan. I fell in love with him when we were sixteen. He told me he had loved me since we were young children. When I was eighteen I got pregnant. It wasn't planned and neither of us were thrilled, but when she was born she was so beautiful that we both fell in love with her instantly. Six months later Evan took me out to a restaurant. We left Tara, our baby, with a friend of ours named Marci, who I haven't seen in years. Evan asked me to marry him and I said yes. We collected Tara after, and when we were driving home a drunk driver collided with our car. Evan and Tara were both killed."
When I finished, I noticed that Conor was looking down at the ring on my hand. "So, is that why you tried jumping off that bridge?"
"There's that and the fact that I have had at least four near-death experiences, and none of them have killed me. I think I was just born to die," I said. 
"Everything happens for a reason," he whispered.
"I don't think it does. Sh..t just happens," I muttered. "Anyway, I think I'm betraying Evan if I be your girlfriend."
"He would want you to be happy."
"I don't deserve to be happy."
"Yes you do. You're going to be happy whether you like it or not," he snapped, smiling at me.

Author's Note:
Gah! This is so looooooonng.  Sorry if there are mistakes or anything, I have no time to check it.
Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks! ~Mary :)


Chapter Eleven
Ari's P.O.V.

"MOMMY!" I heard Hunter shriek in terror, footsteps suddenly pounding down the hallway into my room. "ARI!" She cried out again, the door flying open as I small figure collapsed on the floor, shaking with sobs as it curled into a ball. 

"Come here baby," I got up, walking over to the shaking girl in front of my door. "What's the matter?" I whispered, hugging her tight into my chest, as she continued to shake with tears. "Its okay, your okay," I lulled as Hunter basically collapsed into my arms. I felt her arm brush against mine, warm, wet liquid coming off. "Up," I murmured, taking one of Hunter's hands in each of mine pulling her off the floor. I walked into the bathroom, the light temporarily blinding me as I turned on the light. I pulled her over to the sink, warming the water before forcing her arm under it. I took her arm out, patting the shredded skin dry before I wrapped her arm back up. "Now whats wrong baby?" I murmured pulling her into my chest. "Was it a bad dream?" I got a light nod of Hunter's head before she started shaking with sobs again. "Was he in it?" I whispered, knowing where her sweet little mind went before falling asleep. She nodded her head again sobs attacking her small frame. I took her hand, walking out of the bathroom, before sitting down on the couch, Hunter burying herself into my arms again. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I whispered kissing the top of her head. 

"It was just him… hanging from the fan… and there was blood in his hands… and dripping from his lip… and the empty cans were everywhere… and his note was sitting in his pocket still," Hunter stammered her sentences out, shaking with sobs. 

"Calm down Baby," I tried to lull Hunter. "Everything is okay, I promise"

"No, its not. Its been two years, and every time I close my eyes all I see is him," Hunter shrieked. 

"I know," I sighed, suddenly realizing how much I missed him too. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I whispered as Hunter finally sat up, a slight nod of her head as I got up and put in 21 Jump Street. There was a light knock at the door, I looked at my phone quick it was four in the morning. 

"I'll get it," Hunter sniffed, getting up before I could say anything. There was another light tap at the door. "What Niall?" She sniffed again as she opened the door. 

Niall's P.O.V. 

"MOMMY!" I heard the muffled scream through the walls, no doubting it was Hunter. "ARI!" The voice yelled again. I jumped out of bed, looking at my phone it was around four. I heard muffled sounds, most of which sounding like small yelps of pain as water started running. I walked down the hallway, stopping at the door, hearing muffled cries, and a soft voice trying to stammer out words. I listened to the voice describe something that would drive any normal person off a cliff, and any strong one to the edge, waiting to be pushed off. Everything suddenly made sense about Hunter as I lightly knocked on the door after hearing Ari put a movie onto the T.V. 

"I'll get it," A weak voice murmured walking closer to the door as it did. I heard a small sniff before a small figure opened the door. "What Niall?" Hunter whispered, tears still streaming down her cheeks, her eyes wide puffy and blood shot. 

"Are you okay?" I murmured pulling her small stature into a hug, before she started to shake with sobs again. I picked her up, walking into the living room, and sitting down next to Ari on the couch. Hunter cradled in my arms almost as if she were a baby. "Shhh," I lulled her, stroking pieces of hair from her face, kissing the top of her head periodically before directing her attention back to the T.V. before I knew Channing Tatum would say something stupid. Ari fell asleep, her hand gripped tightly by a still shaking Hunter. "Let go of her hand Hunter," I whispered kissing her head again. "I'll bring you to bed, and then you know Ari is out here if you need her" 

"No," Hunter shook her head, resting it against my chest as I tightened my grip on her waist. 

"Why not?" I murmured as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She just shook her head, snuggling closer to my chest, keeping a gentle hold on Ari's fingers. "You'll be more comfortable in your bed," I kissed her temple as Hunter tucked her head under my chin. She shook her head again, her soft brown hair ticking my chin. I looked down, her eyes starting to close. "Should I just bring you to bed when you fall asleep?" Hunter shook her head again. "Why?" 

"Cause I'm scared when I'm in there," Her voice was small, shaking slightly. 

"Are you scared now?" I felt her shake her head again, I smiled, nodding my head down to kiss her head. We sat there for a few minutes, Hunter tucked into my arms virtually hidden by a blanket I had pulled up around her. "Hunter?" I whispered, a slight hum coming from her as she turned her head. Her small nose brushing against my chest. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to your room?" I felt her nod her head gently. "What will it take?" I laughed lightly. 

"You to stay there so its not scary," Her voice was small. "I feel safer with you," She mumbled before falling asleep. 

Author's Notes ~

Feedback + ideas please, they'd be very helpful! I'm babysitting, so possibly more


Next tme
Chapter 11

The next day, my thoughts were completely consumed by my dream the previous night.
What did it mean?
Why was Dad in it?
Where did Jake go?
Was the dream telling me I'd be happier without Jake, Aidan and Dad? That I should focus on just Dylan?
I definately was not happier without Aidan or Dad, so that put an end on that theory.
I decided to meet up with a girl-friend of mine to put my mind at ease.
I scrolled through the contacts on my phone.
Who are these people? I thought.
I didn't recognize a lot of the names. There was over 100 contacts in my phone and I recognized roughly 10.
I recognized Dylan, Jake, my brother, my mother, my cousin Sophie, and a few friends. 
The rest of the people were probably people I used to know. It had been so long since I talked to them that I had forgotten them completely.
I sighed and lay down on the couch. I thought over the past five years. I had pushed all memories of my time with Aidan out of my head, so they were blurred. If I concentrated really hard I could see them quite clearly. Everything stopped suddenly. I couldn't remember anything from when Aidan dumped me until Dylan turned up, and even that was fuzzy.
My memory of that first time with Dylan was hard to understand. I remembered the pain - which I could feel now - and I remembered our converastion. However, I could not remember anything about what I was thinking of.
I must have been stuck in some delusional haze after Aidan left. Funny how I never even noticed.
The pain was creeping in. I could feel it beginning to rip through me. 
I didn't fight it; I let it consume me. I was pulled into some sort of unconsciousness. 
"Emily?" I heard someone say. "Are you okay?"
The voice was panicked. I recognized it. I reluctantly pulled myself back into reality - it took every ounce of willpower I had.
"I'm okay," I mumbled, blinking.
The face infront of me was blurred. I squinted and it came into focus. Andy. My little brother Andy who probably watched me go into my depression. Had he had to be strong for me and Mum? Dad died a little while before I crumbled. Was he left alone unti Mum recovered? I still hadn't recovered now, so Mum must have healed before me. I couldn't remember if Mum handled Dad's death well, or if Andy was left alone for a while. 
He had grown. I never even noticed him growing. 
Wow, I sure am a good sister, I thought sarcastically.
"What happened?" Andy asked.
"I don't know," I admitted. "The....pain......"
The look on his face was pure horror - maybe I'd put him through a lot more than I thought.
"But I'm okay now," I added.
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Stepping Out
Chapter 11
Seth's POV

               I finished my workout and went to get a shower. Other guys started coming into the locker room to do their workouts. I got dressed and walked to the school's gallery. I loved the art that the kids at my school did. It was beautiful. There were some done in any medium you can imagine: marker, watercolor, pastels, chalk, you name it. One really stuck out though. It was a picture drawn in all pencil with amazing shading work. A pair of old, beat up converse were on the page. It looked so realistic and like I could actually reach out and put them on.
                Don't judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. What my mom had said replayed in my mind. I sat down right in the center of the gallery. I just sat there thinking. Why am I mad at this girl? I would have done the exact same thing if I were her. Right?
                 I pulled out my phone and went through my texts from the last week or two. I opened the coversation. There it was. Proof of what happened.
Aven: Where are you?
Seth: Who is this?
Aven: It's Aven, your coming over to work on the project.
Seth: What are you talking about? I have no idea who you are. Stop texting me.
                  I had known the number when I saw it the first time. I guess I just thought she would do the project and we would present it. Gosh, I needed a reality check. I was such a jerk to her. But everyone expected me to hate this girl. I had a choice to make. I got up from where I was sitting. I walked through the gallery to the doors. Before I left, I saw another painting. It was by my brother; he painted my football helmet for that project. He had also painted a quote beneath the helmet:
Look up to those that look up to you.
I walked out of the gallery and through the halls.                                         There was a surge of people coming out from the cafeteria. I looked at my phone, the bell for homeroom hadn't rung yet. I got to the entrance to the cafeteria and see the girl, Aven, being rolled out on a stretcher. She looked like she'd been hit by a truck. She looked in my direction as they wheeled her out. Her eyes met mine. Her's were filled with pain and some underlying anger. I kept mine blank. The Principal walked back into the building. He looked at me, then went into his office. 
                   I stood in the hallway for a minute, then I went to the locker room. I walked in and slammed the door shut, so everyone knew I was there. They stared at me, they knew I'd found out.
                   "Pretty good, huh?" Josh asked me. I nailed him in the stomach. 
it's madness i know!!!!
so what do you guys think about seth?
lay the feedback on me, i know it's bursting to get out of you guys!

finding my perfEctionS
a novel by ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries

"Avril, my dear, dear little sister- don't play the game you can't win- the game of love!"
"For the first time in my life, I didn't feel worthless. Why, Alyssa?!"
"Because you deserve to feel worthless." she spat.

"Oh sh*t!" Jesse yelled, his husky voice penetrating into my shock.
I stopped still in my tracks, and I heard a piercing scream hit the walls.
I looked around, wondering who was making that terrible noise, until I realised it was me doing the shouting.
Me and Jesse both looked at each other blushing like crazy, until Jesse turned around and slapped a hand over his eyes.
I instantly covered my hand over my mouth, and wrapped the white bed sheet around me, realising I was still practically half naked.
By then, Alex had already poked his nosy face around the door, and caught a glimpse of me.
"Woah, woah, woah! Okay, this is just plain wrong. I knew you and Jesse had a thing, Avvy, but I didn't know you'd be so quick to pounce on him!" Alex said, surprised.
"I-It's not- I mean, t-that isn't- L-looks like- JUST GET OUT!" I yelled, 10% mad and 90% embarrassed.
"I'm really, really sorry, Avril. We'll go now. I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that." Jesse apologised sincerely, his ears a bright red.
I nodded, giving him a nervous smile as Jesse practically dragged Alex away from the doorframe.
"Who said I was leaving?!" Alex protested from the hall way.
I sighed. 
He saw me PRACTICALLY. NAKED. I thought, banging my head against the wall as I cringed. Great. Jesse thinks I'm some kind of sl*t who shows her body to just anyone.
I grabbed an assortment of clothes the swiftest I had ever gotten before, and pulled them on, not really looking at if they matched or not.
Turns out they did. I wore light, baby blue distressed skinny jeans and a short graphic top that showed a bit of my flat stomach, along with comfy milky-brown UGG boots and a matching set of a golden Juicy Couture charm bracelet and a silver necklace.
I just wanted to grab something on myself so I didn't feel like a skimpy prostitute, and I quickly curled my beach-blonde hair into loose ringlets that fell down my back.
Slinging on a light pink leather satchel, I applied my makeup in the usual black mascara and eyeliner for my long, curly lashes and painted on a small wing.
I finally finished off the look with some cute pink lipgloss and headed out of the door. 
I avoided talking to Jesse for the whole of that day, and the next day, too, until I walked past the janitor's closet and a hand grabbed me.
It was wet and cramped in the room, but I could feel the warm, steady rise and fall of a chest.
An absolutely hard-abbed chest.
I leaned back, so that I felt a chin resting on my head.
"W-who is this?" I whispered, struggling to get away.
The grip was iron-strong, and I couldn't get away.
I felt claustrophobic.
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