Epilogue Quotes


We are the reckless, we are the wild youth, chasing visions of our futures. One day we'll reveal the truth – that one will die before he gets there.

The Letter. The Change.

This would have been the epilogue of THE LIE:
*Katia's POV*

The warm July sun rained down on my skin warming my arms and legs. The sun was starting to set making small rays of pink and orange run across the blue sky. It was still nice out, high 70's or mid 20's with a slight, warm breeze that pushed my light flowly white dress against the side of my legs. It was days like today I missed the long, hot July days of Iowa. 
I looked out over the fields I was walking next to. There was a group of young boys running around playing soccer/football, most of them probably 8 or 9. There was one little boy though running with them. He couldn't of be any older than 4 and was probably a little brother to one of the boys.
I felt a cool metal band press against my palm as they squeezed my hand lightly. I looked down at the familiar hand and then followed it up to the face I knew was looking down at me. I looked back into the loving pools of blue, green, and grey. 
"I love you," his melodic voice reached my ears. 
"I love you too, Louis." He bent down and our lips briefly touched. 
It has been three years since we met in the cafe. We ended up dating for another year before he proposed. It was on the day we first met in the park four years earlier. So far in my life its been the second happiest day, the first being the day we finally got to say 'I do' a year later. Sure we had our ups and downs during that time but all that mattered was where we were now, happy and together. Its been a year and a half since we were married and its been the happiest year of my life.
The rest of the boys are doing well though I don't see them as much as I used too. Liam and Danielle have been married two years and Danielle was pregnant with their second child. They don't know what it is yet, they want it to be a surprise. Their first child was a little girl who looks just like Danielle but has Liam's personality. She is just starting to walk and is absolutely adorable. They are living in London in a little house I absolutely love.
Zayn and Perrie are still dating. They took some time off from each other but got back together almost a year ago now. A couple weeks ago Zayn came over for the evening to watch a football/soccer game with Lou and told us he was planning on proposing. The ring is beautiful and I know Perrie is going to love it. 
Harry and I still talk quite frequently, more than the rest at least. He has been seeing a girl named Chelsea for a while now. I don't know how serious he is about her and I personally don't know her well. He's happy though and is still singing professionally. I just hope he finds someone who makes him happy and he can live happily with.
The only one of the boys I am really worried about is Niall. He hasn't really recovered from the loss of Milo and I know he still misses Mia. He has been with other girls but they were all just distractions, nothing serious. We are all terrified he is going to turn to alcoholic ways. He did for a short time but we intervened before it could turn into something serious. 
The football the young boys were playing with rolled in front of me interrupting my thoughts. Louis put his foot out and stopped it. I looked over and saw the little boy I had been watching over run over to us. Louis let go of my hand and kneeled down so he was eye level with the little boy.
He had curly, golden hair that fell right above his big brown eyes. He cautiously walked over to Lou who was holding the ball out to him. I watched as Louis talked to him kindly and hand him the ball. The little boy run away with the ball smiling and laughing. I smiled as I watched them and my hand slid over the fabric of my dress and rested on my stomach. 
I had just found out I was pregnant this morning and hadn't told Louis yet. I was planning on telling him tonight over supper. I have always known he was going to make a great father but after just watching him interact with that little boy it just affirmed what I already knew. He was going to be ecstatic when I told him and I couldn't wait.
I couldn't wait to tell him, I couldn't wait to have our family, I couldn't wait to live the rest of my life with him.

Authors note: So That was how Katia and Louis's story ended. I'm sorry I was unable to finish writing it completely, but I plan on making a final quote all about that so.... Thank you to everyone who read my story, it really means a lot ot me. 

The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.

What would have been the epilogue to The Change: *This is right after Louis visited Katia for Christmas and was returning to London for the rest of his break*
*Louis POV*
I walked into Liam's house using the spare key he hid under one the plants out front. "Honey I'm home!" I called opening the front door. I kicked my shoes on the step before entering trying to get all the snow off. I closed the door, not allowing any more warm air to escape. I took off my shoes and then my coat and scarf. 
Liam walked around the corner. He was wearing a pair of black sweats and a plain white t-shirt. His hair was completely back to the way it was before he shaved it all off. 
"Hey Lou, how was it? How is Katia?" he asked.
"Good," I said. "It was warmer there than it is here."
"Did she like her gift?" he asked. He had helped me come up with some of the ideas, not that I was going to tell Katia that.
"She loved it," I told him smiling. "She got me this." I showed him*INSERT ITEM HERE AND THEN TALK ABOUT IT FOR 2 MORE LINES*
We walked into the living room and I plopped down on the couch. Liam sat on the edge of a chair, fidgeting with his hands.
"Did you tell her?" 
"No," I said, hanging my head down.
"You said you would," Liam said, obviously upset.
"I know I just..." I sat up and looked at the ceiling. "She was so happy and I won't be seeing her for a while now and..."
I looked over at Liam, he was running his hand through his brown hair staring at the floor. "You have to tell her eventually." 
"I know its just I just got her and I don't want that to change." Liam nodded. 
I knew I needed to tell her, she deserved to know. It wasn't right of me to keep this from her, but she is finally mine. And I know if I were to tell her, everything would change. And all because of the lie. 

In a nightmare
I am faling
from the ceiling
into bed
beside you.

Dangerous Epilogue

♦ Elli's P.O.V ♦

10 years later

I sat at the end of the grave in my black hoodie and huge sunglasses that practically covered my face.It was pretty muddy after the huge rain that had hit Rosewood.I smiled to myself as footsteps came around.Two people in a black hoodie arrived as everything of my plan came along.

"I'm here Elli."Jessamine said.

"Excellent and this is Avery I assume?"I asked politely.

"Yes she is and you will protect us?"Jessamine said.

"Of course I'm not the head FBI agent for no reason right?"I added a smirk.

Jessamine nodded as Avery walked up to me,"Hello Elli."

"Hi Avery would you like to be the best FBI agent ever?"I asked.

The little girl bobbled her head up and down as her blonde hair swished,"Yes Elli I'd love it!"

I smiled to myself and replied,"Do you swear to be by the S team at all costs?"

"Yes Elli we do but you have to protect and train us."Jessamine said in a hard steel like voice.

"No worries."I said and drove as they faded in the distant.A gray fog swirled in as I stepped inside of my house where Savannah's kid and Abbey's kid stood there with my kid.

"YAY Aunt Elli is back!"They all chorused.

In these 10 years Savannah and Jace married and had a girl named Alyssa and Abbey had a kid with a foreign person and her daughter was named Calista.Abbey had told me the truth that she had slept with couple of people so her daughter was from her recent husband but that didn't stop her to cheat on him.Surprisingly she hasn't got caught yet but I smiled.My husband was also on the S team and we had spread all over the world now.His name was James and right now he was out the house for business.I had named my child Jenelle.

Alyssa came up to me and said,"Auntie can you tell us  a story?"

All of them cuddled up to me as I spoke up,"Once upon a time there was this mice called-"

Calista and Jenelle interrupted me,"But we already heard this story !"

Everyone started becoming antsy as I smiled to myself again.

"Okay calm down little angels and I'll tell you a story no one ever speaks of."I said

"Yay mommy!"Jenelle said then quieted down.

"Once upon a time in the town called Rosewood they're were four naughty girls who had dirty secrets and one person threatened to tell everyone...."


A/N:Hi guys first of all thanks for reading this story and I left you guys on a couple of cliffhangers.Did Alli die or is she still in coma?Did anyone find out of the S team and are they being threatened right now...?And another millionare question is that who is threatening Jessamine and Avery so they are forced to be joined on the S team?We may never know.

I win as usual.Maybe the S team will come back but right now we're on break.All of the questions swirling around your head may be answered or not?Ha!History repeats itself so maybe just maybe you should lock your doors and close your windows since I'm still watching and I know everything.Sleep good tonight since it might be the only one you're getting b****es.-S

More Than Friends
e p i / /  l o g u e

Amy's POV
The night I left my house to go to Carson's, my mom and dad came.
There was a huge fight between everyone.
Including, Mitch, my brother.
Carson and I finally talked to my dad and got him to realize that this wasn't an engagement ring.
He said he was just freaked out because he didn't want his "little girl" growing up.
It's now been a year, Carson and I are still together.
He's going to college, which is a little scary.
The best part is that he is going to the closest one.
"Hey, babe." Carson wraps his arm around me.
"Hello there, handsome." I smile and turn around to give him a kiss.
"Your parents said you could come stay with me in my apartment." He smiles.
"What? No way!" I start jumping up and down.
"Yes way." My dad comes out onto the porch. "I'm trusting you, no funny business."
"Yes, dad. Oh my gosh, I need to go pack!"
Instead of staying in a dorm, Carson is living in his own little apartment, getting a small job, and goling to school.
The college is only about one hour away, and we're going today I guess.
I only had to pack a couple pairs of clothes since I'm only going for the weekend.
"You done, yet?" Carson walks in after five minutes.
"Just have to grab my make-up." I walk over to my dresser.
"No, you don't need that. It's just me and you. No make-up. You're beautiful." He tells me.
"Why are you so cute?" I smirk. "Let's go."
Carson and I say goodbye to everyone and get in his car to leave.
"I love you, Amy." Carson says as he starts driving.
"I love you too, Car."
I still can't believe I've been dating my brother's bestfriend, aka my best friend, for a year and more to come.
Everyone said we had a thing, but I never believed them.
I guess I just didn't want to admit my feelings for him.
I didn't want to admit that me and my best friend were more than just friends.
But I guess we're better off as boyfriend and girlfriend.
I love and him and he loves me.
We were always more than just friends, I just never saw it at first.

NOTE: That's the end! I'm sorry if it sucked, I just needed to end it before it became more boring than it already is. I have an idea for a new story, but it's about a pregnant teen and I need to know if you, my readers, think it's "appropriate." Let me know. :D

Next tme

I sat down in my old, wooden chair as the three children played in my front garden. I glanced to my left, at the unoccupied seat next to me. I sighed, remembering the good-old-days when my husband and I would sit in the garden and watch our children play. It was hard to believe I was now watching my grandchildren play. Life just flew by.
It seemed like it was only yesterday that I was twenty-five and was getting married. 
The sun was setting, and the cool, summer breeze blew my grand-daughter's golden hair away from her face.
I reflected my life so far, as I did every now and again. Eighty-eight years is a long time, but it doesn't be long flying by.
Dylan and I had gone to America for a year when we were eighteen. It was only meant to be him going, but we couldn't stand to be without eachother for so long. Jake didn't mind that he didn't go after about three months in college, as he had fallen madly in love with a girl called Ally. They had gotten married a year later.
 I'd gotten married to my first real love, Dylan - I no longer counted what I had with Aidan as love because what I had with Dylan was so much stronger.
Together, we'd had three children. Two boys and then a girl. Our eldest son - who looked exactly like my father - had had three children, two girls and a boy, who were always at my house playing in the garden. Our other son looked like Dylan, and our daughter looked like me.
I missed Dylan. When he died, I was so angry and heartbroken. I've begun to accept it, though. I'll be with him again one day, but, for now, he was happy. He was up in Heaven with Jake and my parents and his parents and Andy and his sister.
I'm the last one left. Everyone else died.
I began to look forward to death two years after Dylan died. Three years later, and I still look forward to it.
I'll get to see Dad. I'll be reunited with everyone. I think it will be quite nice actually.
Death is inevitable, so why fear it? I welcome it with open arms.
"Grandma, if you were so heartbroken without Granpa, then how do you live? I thought people couldn't live without their true love," my grand-daughter had asked me one day.
"I'll give you some advice, Nicola," I had replied, "And you should follow it. I belive that, one day, I'll be up in Heaven with my Dylan. But, it won't just be Dylan up there. My parents and brother and best friend, Jake, are up there too, waiting for me. I get up every morning and live because I know that some time soon, I'll be back with everyone I love, Of course, all of you will be down here still, but, one day, you and I will be reunited too."
"But, don't you miss Grandpa?" she had asked.
"Yes, I do," I had answered, smiling at her. "But, you see, he never truly left me. Neither did anyone else. You see, my Dylan, your Grandpa, is with me. He's always with me, always protecting me. I know he's there, watching out for me. I know that he always will be there, next to me. "
Incase you didn't understand the ending, she's now an old lady sitting in a chair in her garden watching her grandchildren play. Beside her is the chair Dylan used to sit in, but he doesn't anymore because he died.
 five years earlier :'(
I got bored of this story so just ended it pretty quickly, I know.
I'm taking a break from Witty for a while because I'm working on my next story Movie Star. 
I'll be back!
Thanks for reading this story!! I hope you enjoyed it. Read my next one it's better than this one was :D
Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks xxx


lllll Fangirl Problems: lllll

It had been over a year since Gale had last spoken
to Katniss. He finally brought himself to this ancient
payphone, phonebook in hand. Anticipation filled his body.

Quickly, he turned to the "E"s, scanning
the pages for her name. It wasn't there.

A sudden wave of realization hit Gale,
drowning him. He closed his eyes as his fingers
numbly flipped further through the book. It took all the
courage he could muster to open his eyes.

There, on the "M" page, was her name.

Katniss Mellark.

A sharp pain pierced his chest and he let out
an almost incomprehensible gasp. With his lips still
slightly parted and a warm, lone tear sliding down
his cheek, Gale put the phone book down,
never to use one again.


E   p   i   l   o   g   u   e
A   v   i   '   s       P   O   V
I reached my fingertips along the sheets, seeking out the warmth of Kayden's small body, but she wasn't there. I blinked a few times. There was sun flooding in through the window onto my face. I sat up in bed. She must be eating breakfast or something.

I was about to get up and get some breakfast for myself, but then I saw the note. There was a small, folded up piece of paper on her bedside table, and it was adressed to me.

Dear Avi,
I’m sorry for leaving. I really, truly am. But I need to find my father. He left when I was young, very young, and I have a strong feeling that it wasn’t within his will. Honestly, I think he was forced to move out.
My dad told me where he was going before he left. New York City. And… I know he was a writer, for plays. A playwright. He told me his dreams about writing a play and people making it into a Broadway show. I hope that this will be enough information for me to find him.
Please, please, please don’t try to find me. I don’t want to be found. I want to be free and I want to know my past.
Don’t think that I’m leaving you. I’m honestly not leaving anyone; I’m just trying to find myself.
Thank you for being the amazing person you are, and don’t ever change. I’ll come find you one day.
Until then,
Kayden Rose Monroe

PS, if you’re not a famous track and field runner by then, I don’t what I’m going to do with you, boy.

I hope you guys actually liked the ending... im pretty bad at them but i sort of liked this one tbh :~)
as mentioned in the last chapter, i'm doing an extended authors note. an authors note for all of you, just look for your name :)
Irma_jean/Emma ~ gurl, you've been following this story since the beggining!! I remember when it only had a couple fans and you were one of them! honestly i don't know if i'd keep going with the story if it wasn't for you bc you were the first to give me feedback ;)
Liliblackheart/Lili ~ you have a perfect tumblr.. ok just wanted to say that. you stopped faving broken after a couple chapters but you got me going and inspired to make more chapters.
WinkWink1 ~ even if your feedback is small, it still makes me smile and i love that you've kept with my story the whole time :) you're a sweetheart + awesome.
Emma8D/Emma ~ thank you for all the nice comments about my writing! you've made my day more than once.
Monibird/Heidi ~ thanks for faving literally all of the chapters, love! it makes me feel happy inside when people appriciate my writing!
ilybm123/Clara ~ thanks for being so supportive! i hope you're okay, you have been gone for a while :(
fiesty1/Elli ~ thanks for the predictions (you got the prediction right but i lied to you because i didn't want you to know what was going to happen) and feedback! i really think it's incredible how you want to be notified for all of my stories! x
kristabff/Krista ~ thanks so much for the positive comments and worrying about whether i'm okay! not many readers do that love.
wizard4238 ~ thank you for always faving a chapter no matter how bad it is haha. and thank you for always being on and happy when i post a chapter :)x
darkeyeangel/Emma Krystyna ~ i've talked to you a couple times and you're a complete sweetheart - thanks for your positive feedback and keep holding on, dear x
WOO! you guys are amazing. I love all of you and i hope you guys are okay. if you ever ever need to talk to me about anything, do it. okay? i put my anger and sadness into writing and that works for me because that's sometimes the only way i can communicate my feelings, but that doesn't work for some people. the best thing to do is to just talk to someone who cares and i'm always here, alright?
i feel really sad though... it feels like im a mother and im watching my kids go to college.
Question of the epilogue~ should i make a sequal?
i don't really care if you liked the ending or not because it's my story but if you want to post your opinion of the epilogue or the whole story overall... please do so :)

-Lia<3 (isn't it sad... the last time i will use this color format) :c

Urrghghh guyzz please I just spent like an hour on my quote and then steve has to do that stupid 'click to see this quote' so pweeassse look at it??? xxxx
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