Hospitals Quotes

Get Help is an independent, mission-centric organization, committed to elevating the treatment industry through the democratization of trustworthy and objective information about treatment facilities and the integrity with which they operate.

The nurse had asked her how many pills of paracetamol she had taken, she said "one hundred", the nurse - quite sarcastically - asked "what, did you count them all?". "No", she said, "I just took the whole bottle. And the bottle said there was a hundred."

Hospitals have always soothed me and I'm not sure why, I think it might be the smell; I've always loved the smell of bleach.Or it might be because you can glide across the waxed floors as if you are weightless.

When I tell people that hospitals soothe me, they think it's sort of morbid. I don't understand why, but I suppose it must be because when people think of hospitals, they think of death and sickness. But hospitals also have life, and that might be the reason; because in hospitals, life and death perpetually mingle, they dance and joke, and maybe they even make bets? You may be kissed by death for three minutes before a man dressed in green sends electrical energy through your body, and then, suddenly, life spits in your face.



"Airports have seen more sincere kisses than

wedding halls. Hospitals have seen more

prayers than church walls."


font cred: _Jannette |don't remove.

I'm afraid of hospitals because in the first episode in season 1 of The Walking Dead, when the main character woke up, a large population of the zombies were both in and outside of the hospital. 
I'm finally getting better. Bye bye constant hospital visits, hello summer :) 
Dangerous Chapter Twenty

♦ Allison's P.O.V ♦
The doll echoed over and over as I ran towards the window.It was hard to see since rain was pouring down heavily.Thunder rumbled as lightening touched the earth far away.I looked around wondering if the person was still there.In the distance I saw a person running away that had a black coat.I couldn't get a good glimpse of them as Honey's voice jolted me back in to the bedroom."Do you see anything Alli?"Honey asked.

"Yeah I saw a person with a black coat running away."I said.

"That must have been S."Abbey said.

"You know this S thing is getting really serious so shouldn't we go to the police?"Honey said as we glanced at each other.

"Honey we'll think about it but let me clean this."I said as I wiped the message on the mirror away.Honey and Abbey went downstairs as I looked around my room if S took anything else.

Tell the police then I'll tell your grandma about where you've been-S

I looked around with chills but knew that I had to stop Abbey and Honey telling the police or my grandma might find out.I quickly tidied up and headed downstairs to meet up with them.I sipped my coffee as the clock tolled 11."What are we going to do?"Honey asked.Just then a knock on the door caught our attention.Abbey grabbed a wooden baseball bat as Honey got glass.I walked up and opened to the door to see a police officer standing there.

"Are you Allison,Honey and Abbey?"The officer asked."We heard that someone has dug up one of the graves at the graveyard so do you have any information on this?"The cop asked.

"Officer we're just having a sleepover and drinking cofffee is that a crime?"Honey said.

"Of course no we were just trying to gather our duty sorry to bother you."He said as I shut the door in his face.

"Do you think he's on to us?"Abbey asked.

"I don't know but we need to keep our gaurd."I said.

"Guys we have to do something about this.I think S might be tied in with the strange occurances at school."Honey added.
We woke up but I knew none of us got any sleep.S was torturing us one by one and I didn't like how we were at S's mercy.How were they at the same time at the same place?Either S is a illusion or it's group of people attacking us.Why would they even do that?I got up and made breakfast as Honey and Abbey looked grim.The sun was shining and it was a typical Abbot Hill day but none of us were really in the mood to talk about the day.For we all know that S could tell the police any minute."Good morning."I said.

"Is it really?"Honey said.

"Look we can't let S take us down.We need to take S down."I said.

"Yeah we all want that but how?"Abbey asked.

♦ Honey's P.O.V ♦

I had taken my car as I left Alli's barn.Last night had given me chills but no matter what now S has haunted me.I felt like I've grown weaker and honestly I didn't have a cheerleading meeting I just want to get away from the crime scene.I almost felt like someone was choking the life out of me but maybe it's me overreacting.I loved Alli and Abbey but right now I needed time alone so I headed towards the cafe.I ordered a smoothie and sat there gazing at the sky.Slowly my thoughts calmed down instead of rushing around.I sipped the smoothie and when I was done I got in my car and decided to check out the grave again.It was stupid to go back since it was even more dangerous then ever but I had to figure a way out.As I drove up to the graveyard haunting memories floated around as I saw the place where I rolled down the hill.I could have sworn I saw blonde hair person underneath the hoodie but it could have been me halluncinating or something.Our footprints had faded since of the rain and I followed the path we had followed the stranger until we lost them.Since I didn't find anything I went back to my car but it wasn't starting.I gunned the engine but it wouldn't work.I looked around until I saw a teddy bear on the passenger seat.I picked it up as I saw it was carrying a note.

Your going to need this teddy bear really soon.Keep it close and hope it reminds you of me-S

I threw the teddy bear in my car as I got out.I decided to walk to the nearest store which was 5 miles away but it's not like I had a choice.Slowly I started figuring out that who S could be.Obviously it had to be someone close to us so either it's Alli or Abbey.I knew Alli couldn't do it because she was the one suggesting us to go to the morgue but Abbey on the other hand was hesitant.I always doubted Abbey to be honest since she was too good and too nice.Almost like she was faking it for something.I didn't bother telling anyone because I thought it was just my doubts taking control of my brain but now I wasn't sure.A car drove  by but stopped in front of me.The person that got out now gave me chills and it was Abbey."Hey Honey how's it going?"She said and the voice I use to find comforting now gave me chills.

"Uhhh I'm good my car stopped working so I'm walking to the store to get some help."I said.

"Do you want a little help?"She asked.I agreed but I just wanted her to leave so I can talk.I started walking to the car until I turned around.Abbey's car was heading towards me as I got ran over by the car.I could feel my ribs crunching as blood oozed around me.Quickly I gave into the darkness as I heard her laugh before I fell into deep sleep dreaming.

♦ Allison's P.O.V ♦

As I was sewing my dress I got a phone call from Abbey.I picked it up as her voice sounded urgent."Alli come quick Honey is in the hospital."She said as she told me about which hospital.I left my designs and rushed out the door.I got in the car and drove to the hospital Abbey had told me about.I rushed in saying Honey's name as the nurses eyed me.I saw Abbey there crying and I sat down next to her."OMG Alli it was horrible when I found her."Abbey said crying even harder.

"Is she in critical danger?"I asked as I saw Honey's family with grim faces and some of them were crying.The doctor came out with a stern face and my heart feared the worse.

"We fear she has slipped into coma."The doctor announced as I started crying.Abbey hugged me as Honey's mom and dad followed the doctor to his office.Our phones in unison beeped with one new text message.

She knew too much b***es.This game is easier then I thought.Maybe you girls deserve it after all....It can take one person to be dead to keep a secret after all-S
Dangerous Chapter Fourteen

♦ Lauren's P.O.V ♦

The skelton gaurds had passed me food or what looked like food.I mean come on even aliens don't eat this and there feeding me a human being.Aden was hot and made you wanted to drool at him with his blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.But I had to remember he was dangerous  and nothing good would come from even trying to be friendly with him from the heart.She betrayed us as I gripped the iron bars tightly.Every muscle of mine was on fire as my nerves were becoming strained.Using both my eyes and ears to hear anymore incoming noises or signs of a visitor.Just my luck as I saw Aden strolling in the passageway of the cells.I flexed my muscles as I relaxed to let him know that I was open.This time I started the conversation."Hi Aden."

"Heyy honey how are you doing down here?"He coyly said.

I flashed him a brilliant smile and said,"What do you think Aden?"

"I think you need to be beside me any other questions?"He said as he lovingly tried cupping my face.
"Well if you want me to be with you then shouldn't you ask me on a date first?"I winked at him.

He looked taken back and I smiled to myself."Do you want to go on a date?"He asked.

"Of course honey."I mockingly said.

"See you tommorrow at 7 and couple people will be coming in to do your styling of clothes.Hope you like the clothes I pick bye honey."He said.

♦ Allison's P.O.V ♦

People poured in the classroom as Jessamine looked around with sorrow in her eyes.She discussed stratgies and how the FBI life is hard and for the first time I listened to an adult intently.My focus was completely on her as she smiled at me.The meeting ended with a serious tone of Lauren being missing.My phone vibrated once and I sneakily checked it.

Watch out honey Jessamine might just be gone like Lauren.- S

I looked at the text and searched the room for anybody with their phones out.No one was really as they all focused on Jessamine and Mrs.Listine.Fear creeped up as I read the text over and over.And why is Jessamine getting threatened?Whoever it was obviously knew where Lauren is but problem is how do I find out?Now my attention was completely lost as Mrs.Listine mentioned that there were more occurances.I knew that they were all tied but why would someone try to take Lauren away?There were too many questions and not enough answers as my phone vibrated again.

Wanting answers?Then ask your friends they know me as well.You think your going to win then watch out I might be behind you.-S

After I read that text I glanced at Iesha,Abbey,and Honey with their phones out.Chills broke out as I turned around but no one was there.I decided to text them back to see what would happen.

Who the he// are you?

You don't know me but I know you.If you dare to go against me then I'll kill your petite little friends.-S

I froze in my seat as  I sent a text to Abbey,Honey,and Iesha that I needed to talk to them.Who the he// was this?And what do they want with me and my friends?Questions ran around but it didn't help as my phone vibrated again.Shakily I took my phone out and looked at the text.

Remember that guy you found out who was dead?Guess who helped killing him?That's right it was me.-S

Now I felt like panicking as the texts were threatening me.Whoever it was knew I was here with Iesha,Honey and Abbey.Who would try to do this and what did they have against the school?Obviously from the text Jessamine is in danger but why?Is it someone from the past or someone even worse?I felt defenseless as the meeting ended.

"What's up?"Honey asked.

"Look at my phone and the texts."I said handing them my phone.

They all read it and shock came up on their faces.I trembled with fear and anger because why am I being targeted?What was I going to do?I was just a new FBI agent. Nothing more so who could it be that is targeting me?How were Iesha,Abbey and Honey involved in this?

"Those are the same texts I get."Iesha first said breaking the silence.

"So do I or somewhat close to it."Honey also added.

"But who could it be that's texting all of us?"Abbey asked.Just then all of our phones vibrated or chimed in unison.We took our phones out and I read the text.

B*** watch out because I might be with you or not-S

When I was done reading the text we glanced at each other.Abey had a resonating calmness in her while Honey had fear.Iesha was a panicky looked face and I bet my reflected all of their's.

"Guys we have to go the hopsital and at the morgue to see what happened to the guy."I said looking at them.

"No it's too dangerous."Abbey objected.

"But we need to find out how he was killed."Iesha pointed out.

"Yeah whoever this person is dangerous and we don't know what they could do."I noted.

"Alli is right we have to go to the morgue to find out."Honey agreed.

"But how are we even going to find out how he died?"Abbey asked.

"They keep files in the morgue so I'll try reading them."I said.

"How do you even know it'll be his file?For all we know we don't even know his name."Iesha added.

"They actually have another file to see who's the most recent and I'll find it."I said.

"How are we even going to get in?I'm sure they're not going to let four teens in th morgue section happily."Honey commented.

"Don't worry we'll sneak in and wear the volunteer clothing."I said.

"Will it work?"Abbey asked.

A/N:Wow seems like Lauren is playing her own game but what will happen at the date?Is she really embracing the darkness or something more..What about Alli and her text messages?All of her friends are in it but why is Abbey so reluctant?Will they find out how the guy was killed or will S get in the way?How are these girls going to find their way out of this Dangerous game?

Dangerous Chapter Eight

♦ Abbey's P.O.V ♦

I was walking out the door when my phone rang again.I took my phone out of my Louis Vuiton purse and saw the caller id of one my mercenaries.

"Hi what's up?"I said briskly trying to get straight to the point.

"Well the FBI court had taken Allison and now have her under watch also my other friend and I had tried taking Allison and her grandma out but we couldn't"He said and I paused thinking if this could mold into the plan.

"Very well but I plan to go to their house playing the sympathy card."I said.

"Is there anything for us to do?"my mercenary asked.

I thought about it for a minute and then said"I want you to kill Allison this time."

♦ Jace's P.O.V ♦

I didn't know how but people rumored she had discovered her power and unleashed it.Again I was just aching to get back to Alli.It was time to tell her about Savannah and how she was really like.I could tell Alli since I knew she seems pretty strong enough and may be the only one who can fight her.I got nervous around Savannah since her power was to raise the dead.Who knew what she could do with that power?And especially with her mind it can lead to war.I want our team to win but at what cost?
How bad can the Moonlights be?Allison seems nice and so do her friends so why the fighting?Can't we work together and fight the world's enemys?I asked my parents but they looked at me crazily.They both of course belonged to the Nightshades the group I am in and only wanted our team to be the sucessful one.It's like with Alli everything I believed in is being questioned and I seriously wonder what's going on.I hung around at the usual time for as I heard footsteps.I knew both the teams were getting nervous but a rustle of the bushes had me on my gaurd.I had looked at the weather earlier and I knew there was supposed to be no wind here.That meant someone was here as I took my weapons out and got in a stance.My muscles tightened up in anxiety as more footsteps echoed.Whisperings everywhere and I knew that it was more than one person.Question was could I hold them off until I got help?I looked at the ground as I hid up in a tree.My binoculars could spot anyone but unless the person used their power to hide then I might be hopeless on it.A group of hooded people came and lead was a an astounding beautiful girl.Her white blonde hair reached to her waist and she had gray stormy eyes.I knew she didn't notice me but her beauty was sticking out.She had leather clothing on as knives were hidden in her boots.She was dangerously beautiful just like Alli but who was she?And why was she here?What was her purpose?She whispered to her fellow people and they all nodded.They seperated and the girl looked directly at me.I nervously looked around but her gaze was holding.

"What are you doing?"She said her voice softly but holding a dangerous tone.

"I'm good honey why don't you go first?"I said as her face hardened.

She pushed me out of the tree catching me by surprise.Gracefully she jumped down her knives scratching my arms.I took my knives and blocked her knives from hitting me.She jumped behind me and kicked me in the back.I staggered but quickly regained my footing.I came after her and I pushed her on the floor.She smiled at me delicatly until her face transformed into a creepy skull.All guilty feeling of punching a girl vanished as I immediately took on she escaped from the other world.In the FBI law it was a rule for us to kill otherworlders.I took my knife and pushed it through her heart.I could hear the muscles rippening and bones cracking.She changed back into a innocent girl and I stopped.In a moment she was on top of me trying to stab me.Surprisingly she still had plenty of strength even though she had a knife sticking out of her back.Flaps of skin were open as blood oozed out of her skin.When she changed her skin turned into a rotten green color type and her nails instantly become sharper.I knew I had to finish her off.I grabbed my other knife as I threw her off me.She landed a couple feet plummenting in the dirt as she screamed.I jammed my knife in her stomach as blood started trickiling  and she howled in pain.Her skin turned into a nasty purple and then the girl  was dead.Her skin stretched out and her muscles were tearing inside.I buried her so no one could revive her or anything and went home.Today Alli wasn't coming I bet because of the injury at the hospital.I decided to go give her a visit.A smile lit up on my face as I drove to the hospital.The only way I know where Alli is since Savannah had been keeping an eye on her.I really didn't like how we were doing this but it would help our team right?I stepped into the busy hospital and signed in.I found out Alli's room number and entered her room.She was wide awake and was staring at me like I was a spider entering her room.I nervously looked at the floor as I shut the door behind me.

"Hey how are you?"I asked softly sitting down next to her.

"Do you think I look okay?"She said pointing to her head injuries.

"Uh I.."I said awkwardly loss for words.

"Kidding the nurses are saying I'm doing I might get released today or tommorrow."She said.

"Thats good to know."I said.

"Yeah do you know when I'm supposed to get back to training?"Alli asked her emerald green eyes staring at me.

"I guess when your healed and stuff."I said looking down my cheeks turning slightly red.

"Why'd you come check up on me?"she asked.

"I uhh just wanted to see how you were doing."I said which was true.She looked at the blood on my jeans with questions in her eyes.

"What's up with the blood on your jeans is that some new latest style?"She said laughing.

"No I killed an otherworlder."I said seriously.

"What's an otherworlder?"Alli asked.

"It's a demon from the otherworld.The otherworld is also called he//"I explained.

A/N:First of all miss niceness is planning to kill someone.Hmm she sure is nice.Next is Jace really turning into a nice person or is he being sent by Savannah....Speaking of where is that pretty girl and what did she get her hands on?There all liars in a Dangerous game but someone's watching them.Someone dangerous but who?

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