Best Human Quotes Ever

fun fact of the day: the human brain cannot makeup faces, therefore every person you see in your dreams is someone you have seen before. THAT MEANS THAT IF YOU MEET YOUR FAVORITE CELEBRITY AND THEY LOOK AT YOUR FACE THERE IS A CHANCE THAT THEY WILL SEE YOU IN A DREAM THEY HAVE OK

The human brain is amazing.
It functions 24 hours a day from the time we were born,
and only stops when we take an exam or fall in love.

If  a person laughs too much, even at stupid things, they're lonely deep inside..

If a person sleeps a lot, they are sad..

If a person speaks less, but speaks fast, they keep secrets..

If someone can't cry, they're weak..

If someone eats in an abnormal manner, they're tense..

 If someone cries on little things, they're innocent & soft-hearted.

If someone becomes angry over silly or pretty (small) things, it means they need love..

Try to understand people.