Best Myquote Quotes Ever

Have you ever just had one of those days?
Where you can't hide the pain?
You just keep a tight grip on your sleeves,
And bite your lips to not cry,
You stare out the window
and won't look anyone in the eye,
Then you come home,
You throw your stuff in the corner,
Slam your back against the wall,
Tilt your head upwards and wonder why you,
As you begin to sob endlessly.

Have you ever had one of those days?
I Have.

Imagine this...
One day you and your husband, or you and your wife go to the doctors, you find out that you are pregnant! you celebrate you plan your future you dream of all things happy, you wonder what it will be, a boy or a girl??? You find you'd be happy with both, nine months pass, the female is on the table, she's giving birth, out comes the baby. It cries you hear its glorious voice, you get shot into the future you imagine them going to school, first date, all of the firsts, you hold it close and smile. 5 years later your little baby starts school, mommy and daddy feel lonely so they plan another baby, by the age of 6 you have a new child, another bit of perfection! By the age of ten the first child feels ignored, the second feels adored, the eldest shrugs the feeling off, says to themselves it will get better as time goes on. You are pregnant again, you say this is your last child, you make it the best. The eldest was a boy, strong, smart, loving and a sweet brother, the second was a daughter, you swore to her you'd never let her littel heart be broken, the last was a son, another one, a trouble maker. By age two his main goal is to steal the spotlight, by age five all he wants is mommy and daddy's eyes on him. The eldest feels ignored, but he's fifteen he pushes through, the daughter cries for you, all she wants is your attention, but your eyes are on the youngest, you want to treasure his childhood. 3 years flash by, your oldest is graduating, poof into college, he kisses his sister's head and tells her he'll always be there for her, then he leaves. You still are treasuring the youngest, you want him to stay a baby, so you ignore your daughter. She cries out for help, shes 15 now, she sobs, she starves herself to be perfect for another man some day, and she slices her skin. You've lost all interest in her, she only wants to be alone anyway, you let her. She rememebers her brother, who is now in college, who never comes home, she wants him to be there, she wants him to care, she needs him. Finally at age 16 she can't take it anymore, everyone is prettier, everyone is more loved, she takes a bottle of pills, puts her head in the noose, and steps off of the chair. Suddenly you have a flash back, to that beautiful baby girl in your arms, you cry out, begging her to come back, but it's too late, don't you see? You killed your own child, you didn't see it, you can only blame yourself. The day of the funeral her brother comes back into town, he cries on the grave of his dead little sister, he begs her to forgive him, he begs her to come back. But she can't, she's dead. Your eldest turns to alcohol, drinking away the memories, in 5 years he's a full blown alcoholic, and he takes his life and kills himself, he needs her in his life. Your youngest is alone now, you try to stay strong, you try todo everything for him but you just can't. Both of his parents fall into depression and he's left alone. He struggles through but all of a sudden he's faced with bullying, they say he's the reason that his sister killed herself, was it true? He clings to drugs, they take him away into a place of peace, at age 18 he's almost going to graduate, he panics, he over doses and you are alone. All of you children are dead, what do you  do now? Life is over, you live but its a constant struggle, it never gets better, it never gets easier. You wish you could go back, you would do anything just to see them again, but you can't. You die inside.
Yes you matter, don't give up. And always pay attention to others actions. Save a life.



"Muffins are just ugly cupcakes."
No. Cupcakes are not beautiful. They are exactly like muffins, except cupcakes feel the need to hide behind "makeup" and "accessories". Take all of that off, and muffins and cupcakes are exactly the same. So while cupcakes aren't comfortable in their skin, muffins are. Muffins let the world see who they really are rather than what they're pretending to be. Be a muffin in a world of cupcakes.

Some fashion tips for this coming school year:

- Ankle length Uggs are the biggest mistake since crocs.

- Sparkly Uggs are even worse

- Do not, and i repeat, DO NOT wear open toed shoes in January. You're crazy

- Band t-shirts are like jesus for lazy days.

- Please wear a sports bra if you're only going to wear a sweatshirt, I'm begging you

- Colored jeans are a no no if you have wide hips, they make them look 10 times larger. Neutral colors are ok, but yellow and blue is a no.

- Snooki's hair bump is not ok to wear in school. Neither is heavy eye shadow

- I swear to God if you're wearing a heal over 2 inches I will stab you with it

- Dont wear a scarf with yoga pants

- I swear to God if you get 3D nails I will personally hunt you down and kill you

imagine if your teacher was calling attendance and called you by your username
One time I tried socializing,
never again.


me: *sees Back to School advertisements*
me: *screams*

Whenever a bully comes up to me I always think

"What would Justin Bieber do?" so i just spit at the bully and laugh and run away

Format chickittylover

What does beautiful really mean? We comment on attractive girls pictures saying "Wow, you're beautiful!" But we don't really know what we're saying. Yeah, she's attractive. She's pretty. But is she beautiful? I believe that to be beautiful you apprechiate life and everyone living a life. To be beautiful you treat others the way you want to be treated. You share. You care. You skip past someone's face and you instead get to know how pretty that person is by discovering how beautiful that person's soul is. Also, to be simply attractive on the outside doesn't mean having that perfect nose, smooth and glossy hair, long legs or a thin waist. We are all human. We all breathe the same air and eat the same food. There is no "certain body type" to go for because no human comes in the same shape as another. We should learn to apprechiate that we're living, that we have 2 legs to walk on or a properly functioning brain. So put that razor down. Eat some food and keep it in your stomach. Your appearance has nothing to do with how beautiful you are. And if your friends, that guy you like, or even your parents don't see that your inner soul and personality is all that matters, then you are too superior for them. Just wait and find someone who will apprechiate you for who you are. Find someone else that is just as beautiful as you and never settle for less. This quest may take a while, so stay patient, never give up, and be beautiful. -Krista

Format chickittylover

Repeat after me:
I am beautiful and I am worth it. I may not have
the perfect body or the prettiest hair, but I am me!
»»» I've done so many things so far, «««
like making friends and working hard for the future.
»»» I am me and there's no one else i'd rather be. «««

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