
Joined: September 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 221780
Gender: F
Hai guise; My name is Cindy. Hope we can be awesome friends. I love music. It is my everything. From playing Piano, Guitar, and Drums to Dance. I would listen to any type of music that just appeal to my ears. I love making new friends so don't be shy to talk to me. I promise I won't bite you. x] I don't really know what to talk about myself. So, If you guys have any questions just ask me then. :D
You guys should follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. So you guys should follow me. C:
Twitter: @_iLuffRiceBruh
Tumblr: ayebabeitscindy.tumblr.com
Instagram: @ayebabeitscindy

Asian; Vietnamese; 100%
Blow out 'em candles on May 19th.


19xRAWRx's Favorite Quotes

On my last birthday I wished I was dead.

                                                               and they all clapped.
                                                                                without knowing.

Have you ever really thought about how sad it is that so many people in this world want to die? When we were little kids we were the happiest people ever, and all of a sudden we hate ourselves and our lives. I just want to be a little kid again.

So today, my girlfriend was telling me a story, and I interrupted her with a kiss.

She replied with: "Uhm excuse me, I was talking.."


You're too young to let the world break you


I look up at the stars
and I think that maybe, just maybe, he's looking up at these same stars too. ♥
This quote does not exist.

you're probably naked underneath all those clothes.
you wh/re.



"How long is this Doritos commercial?!"

"Grandma...that's Jersey Shore.."
nmq, nmf