
Status: "Hukuna Matata! It means no worries for the rest of your days" (The Lion King)
Joined: August 31, 2012
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: March 10
user id: 328666
Gender: F
 Mrs Tyler Seguin~
Hi! I'm not usually very good at these things, but here it goes.
Well, I'm a huge hockey fan, I'm obsessed with the Bruins. I really want to learn how to play hockey, my dad would never let me growing up. 
My birthday is March 10th.
I love watching movies, especially Disney movies.
My favorite bands are Green Day, Yellowcard, and the Fray.
I played electric guitar for four years and I really want to start playing again.
I like pretty much all music besides rap.
Singing  & acting are pretty much my life. 
I'm  really shy at first but once I get to know you, I'm  crazy.
Johnny Depp and Adam Sandler are my favorite actors.
My life has it's ups and downs, just like everyone else, mostly because of my family, but I try
not to complain too often. I hate whiny people, and I'm usually pretty optimistic.
I'm really easy going. As long as I'm with someone I like, I don't care what we do. 
I'm a perfectionist.
I hate when people use bad grammar and text language. We've gone to school for years to learn to write and spell correctly, why make all those years go to waste? 
I say "haha" waaaay too much, it's a habbit.  
I am probably the worst lier ever, which I guess is a good thing, since it keeps me from lying.
I guess I'm also kind of a goody-two-shoes. My friends call me mom because I'm always looking out for them.
If you want to know anything else about me, just comment.  I love talking to new people.
I'm always here if you need someone to
talk to, I've been told I'm really good at giving advice.

~God gives his toughest challenges to the strongest fighters~  


Comments Made on 1mrsseguin9's Quotes

crimson24 8 years ago on quote #7056529
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Ahahaha no, definitely not just you...never just you...
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milestogobeforeisleep 9 years ago on quote #7044738
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I had that same feeling before...do you know for sure he doesnt feel the same anymore? thats how i felt in my situation. like i cared about him more than he did me. but thats most likely not true.
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1mrsseguin9 9 years ago on quote #7044738
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Well he broke up with me so I'm pretty sure it's true :/
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milestogobeforeisleep 9 years ago on quote #7044738
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Awe I'm sorry :/ Are you alright?
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1mrsseguin9 9 years ago on quote #7044738
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I mean, I guess I'm as alright as can be expected after a breakup
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milestogobeforeisleep 9 years ago on quote #7044738
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Good point. Keep your head up though, there are better fishies in the sea
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1mrsseguin9 9 years ago on quote #7044738
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Thanks, I'll try (:
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sar 9 years ago on quote #7035848
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I love that song
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mhamilton 9 years ago on quote #7033318
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I have the same exact issue.. its like we're the same person lol
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1mrsseguin9 9 years ago on quote #7033318
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1mrsseguin9 9 years ago on quote #7033318
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Haha well I'm always her if you need someone to talk to
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Madi_Milkshakes* 9 years ago on quote #7022972
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Haha wish that happened with me ;)
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1mrsseguin9 9 years ago on quote #7022972
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Haha he's so complicated though. I can't tell if he actually likes me or if he's just using me to make his ex jealous. But you will find a great guy eventually :)
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Mariana101 9 years ago on quote #7018542
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I have no luck, I don't undersand both girls and boys, and I'm a girl myself:s
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1mrsseguin9 9 years ago on quote #7018542
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Haha they're both pretty confusing :p I'm always here if you want help trying to figure one out though (: (no promises I'll be much help though considering I don't understand them myself haha)
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Mariana101 9 years ago on quote #7018542
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Haha I agree and aha thankyou, same here, although im the same, I get so confused with the 'signals' and all that stuff aha cx
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MonsterBeneathYourBed 9 years ago on quote #7018542
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and so are girls
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planetxar_the_1st 9 years ago on quote #7018542
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I agree, even though I am one. I just don't get girls my own age... They are creepy!

My best friend is a guyfor that reason, I think. :)
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nicole🌹* 1 decade ago on quote #7011155
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That's so sweet! :)
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[deleted] 1 decade ago on quote #7011155
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There are plenty of awesome people in the world, and you are one of them:)
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1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago on quote #7011155
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Awh thank you, and you are too (:
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[deleted] 1 decade ago on quote #7011155
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Nazz 1 decade ago on quote #7010172
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I do
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yuzermali 1 decade ago on quote #7010172
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tapangam 1 decade ago on quote #7010172
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Amen to this!! :)
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Skittle Lips* 1 decade ago on quote #7003958
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I hate one-sided relationships
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Veronica Smith* 1 decade ago on quote #6994034
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then look at him with ur arms still outstretched and say "uppie" in a baby voice lol.
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I'm a Niall Girl* 1 decade ago on quote #6992435
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You have no idea how much I love this quote
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vikas shrivastav* 1 decade ago on quote #6990841
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Could u probably talk on kik ?
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1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago on quote #6990841
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Yeah sure, americanidiot19
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vikas shrivastav* 1 decade ago on quote #6990841
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I wish ...
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1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago on quote #6990841
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I promise one day you will find someone who loves you more than you could imagine. They'll love everything about you, including your imperfections. They will do anything to be with you and they'll care about you and want to spend the rest of their lives with you. That may seem hard to believe now, trust me I know what it feels like, but just be patient and they'll come eventually (:
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dapz95 1 decade ago on quote #6982956
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hey sunshine, what happened?
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1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago on quote #6982956
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Well I found out my best friend has been suicidal for 2 years and she just broke up with her boyfriend and was talking about killing herself :( I don't know what to do cause she won't talk to me about it (she told him if her parents had a gun she'd already be gone, then he told me). I told her I'm always here for her and how much I care about her and all she said was "thanks". We've been best friends for 5 years and she never even mentioned it to me so and now that I know she won't talk to me about it. We've been friends for so long and we usually tell each other everything but she just won't talk to me about this.
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dapz95 1 decade ago on quote #6982956
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Oh God. Well ...if this helps at all, I went through something similar recently with a good friend of mine - me being your friend in this scenario, and my friend playing you. I can't speak on behalf of her, but I know for me even though the few people who know have tried to talk to me about it, I'll just shut down every time because i don't WANT to talk about it. I can't talk about it; that's why I didn't tell anyone for about five years. Luckily for me I'm not so bad anymore, but I'm still battling my depression and sometimes it does get really hard. I don't think you should try to heal her and get her to tell you her problems and work through them with her, because you can't. You can't heal her; only she can heal herself. But I know how this must really be breaking your heart. If she hasn't told you for this long, it's not definitely because she doesn't feel she can tell you - more like you've become a distraction and a break from the darkness she's in, someone who helps her take the darkness away for a bit, and she doesn't want to lose that. Just ... I don't know; if someone had just treated me like I was a normal person who was going through some problems, instead of a ticking time bomb that needed to be saved, I would've been in a much better position. Take a deep breath, and go easy on yourself - just be there for her, and let her know you're still going to be her friend no matter what happening. Just knowing she's not alone, and she has someone who'll love her whether or not she ever gets out of this - I think that is the best bit of help you can give her. I'm still waiting for that.
She'll still the same person she always was sunshine. Don't let this knowledge of her illness define her for you. From what I can gather, you're a pretty good friend ... you don't need to do anything else apart from love her like you're already doing :)
take care of yourself. don't beat yourself up about this: if not knowing for so long is getting to you, just remember that the only way you would have been able to know is if she let you. It's not your fault.
Lots of love xxx
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Barnzy4872 1 decade ago on quote #6982852
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Well, probably at 11:11 since that is the time you wished it at, altough some wishes take time, and that time is worth the wait <3
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1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago on quote #6982852
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Well considering I've had the same wish for 4 years I would think it would have come true by now if it were going to :/ but thank you!
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Barnzy4872 1 decade ago on quote #6982852
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what's your wish, text me it?!?!?!?
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1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago on quote #6982852
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I can't tell you, then it will never come true if it is going to! :P
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*Suicidal Fantasy* 1 decade ago on quote #6982251
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I love this<3
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