
Joined: November 18, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 93949
Gender: F

Heyy im Wiley
im 16 &&
I play fieldhockey, basketball, and softball
I love sports and art
I love: parachute, 5SOS, lifehouse, MKTO, matchbox twenty, allstar weekend, jason aldean, one republic, the fray, cody simpson & one direction:)


any other questions? 
just comment

Quotes by 3pointballer

Will someone please clue me in
On this game we're playing?
Cause there's too many tied for second
With no clear first.


My hair is pretty long and I want to donate 8 inches of it.
Does anyone have any advice on the process?
cause I'm too paranoid about the hairdresser
cutting my hair too short...


gelost seasy


The problem in this generation 
is that we see weakness in having feelings
and strength in being disrespectful.


If only you could believe in yourself like the way I believe in you


I'm convinced that 'homie' is just slang for 'homeslice'.
Today during our all-school assembly
the teacher at the podium asked for a moment of silence
& a guy on the varsity hockey team
did the Mockingjay whistle/call
& then the whole team held up three fingers in salute.
that sums up my school pretty well. 

Trying not to feel anything that's real


Sherlock: You're wrong, you know. You do count. You've always counted and I've always trusted you. But you were right. I'm not okay. 
Molly: Tell me what's wrong.
Sherlock: Molly, I think I'm going to die.
Molly: What do you need?
Sherlock: If I wasn't everything that you think I am, everything that I think I am, would you still want to help me?
Molly: What do you need?
Sherlock: You.


Dont forget to wake up Green Day tomorrow