
Joined: February 9, 2014
Last Seen: 5 months
user id: 378666
Location: United States
Gender: M

AgainstNoOne's Favorite Quotes

i should be over all the butterflies
but i'm into you 

red lights, stop signs
i still see your face

i'm looking through you
where did you go?
i thought i knew you
what did i know?

i got guns in my head and they won't go
spirits in my head and they won't go

i don't mind spending every day
out on your corner in the pouring rain


there is a light that never goes out


do you still think love is a laserquest?
or do you take it all more seriously?


i promise you

it'll all make sense again

a whole new world
a new fantastic point of view

 Keep your face always towards   
 the sunshine, and the
               shadows will fall  


beHind You.
- Walt Whitman