
Status: << Me && my second family < 3
Joined: March 22, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: March 24
user id: 159995
Location: Connecticut
Gender: F
Sometimes perfection can be perfect hell 

My name is Ali
I'm recovering.

"Recovery is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to deal with it."


Comments to Ali_Tex98

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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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come home please, like now. please love you beautiful.
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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i missssssssss you mucho. i hope youre having so much fun beautiful!! :) love you. maybe i"ll go next year hahaha
Ali_Tex98 1 decade ago
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These help me through < 3
Yourbeautiful* 1 decade ago
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You know what, you're wrong because it does mean something to me even if you are a “complete stranger” because knowing that I've helped someone in some way just makes my day and Thankyou that really means a lot to me beautiful ❤
spence* 1 decade ago
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ohh just saw its your birthday, so anyways happy birthday hope you have a great day :)
1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago
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Anytime (: happy birthday, hope you have a great day!
1mrsseguin9 1 decade ago
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I just came across your profile and wanted to say that you are absolutely gorgeous! You are not fat by any means and those 9 year olds were just jelous because of how gorgeous you were and are. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I know cutting may temporarily make you feel better but in the end it will just make things worse because you'll hate seeing the cuts. I myself have never cut or had an eating disorder so I can't say I know what it's like but I want you to know I'm here for you. If you ever need anything or just want someone to talk to, don't be afraid to comment on my profile. Stay strong, beautiful<3
JustAnotherWittyGuy18 1 decade ago
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You are perfect okay? Don't listen to what other people say. And please, please don't cut. I know it helps but it doesn't after a while. it just hurts to see how you ruined yourself >.<
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Thank you! I shall c; haha. And oh wait Ali. I expected more from you... Hmm. Yeah. Well we expected more from you too, bi-tch. Cause ya know, you enjoy making people's lives hell, maybe you should torment Ali some more. K bye.
scumbag* 1 decade ago
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considering you told gabby, who you said you don't like, that i'm "obnoxious" and "need to mind my god damn business" i'm pretty sure i'm not assuming anything. like honestly i trusted you but you stabbed me in the back. that's not what you do to a friend. i really honestly expected more from you Ali.
justkidding* 1 decade ago
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Dont worry my grades suck also, especially math. -.-
Fake friends? F/ck them. When you get out of highschool
they will be the ones with no job. &you are special, dont let
fake friends choose that for you. Your so kind &pretty, &if
they dont like you for who you are they can go suck my dickk.
justkidding* 1 decade ago
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hey, you are so pretty.<33
You might remember me from my
very old account, but you probably wont
cause it's very old. But yeah(:
iLoVeYoUwItHaLlMyHeArT911 1 decade ago
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hi, i just wanted to say that i absolutely love ur witty :)
Breathe_Carolina_true_fan 1 decade ago
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Yeahh, hahahah -.-
But woooowww, seriously ? She goes and makes a joke about it.
" Hey, look at it this way. They were probably just some stupid hicks who sat on their porch every night wonderin' about the world. They could've been thinking about the f/g hiding in their basement ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAH, now here's Cindy with the weather. "
nightshadow11 1 decade ago
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I nearly cried when I read your story bro. You are an amazing beautiful girl who is one of my best friends. :) I am lucky that you are my friend
DenaAnn 1 decade ago
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You're so gorgeous.♥ Your story brought tears to my eyes. Stay strong my dear, you deserve to smile.♥
RebelMuse 1 decade ago
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Hello. I stumbled across your profile thinking you might be a friend I knew before I moved. You're not, but I just wanted to say that I read your profile, and I am so sorry that ever happened to you and that you still go through that pain. You have an amazing smile. You look so pretty in your profile picture. I don't know how many times you've heard someone tell you that you're beautiful, or that eating disorders aren't the way to go, but it's true. It can seriously hurt you or kill you, which I know you already knew. There are people who love you too much for you to go. And those tutu wearing nine year olds that made you so upset? They were just jealous of how obviously amazing you are and didn't want to admit it.
Breathe_Carolina_true_fan 1 decade ago
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Okiiii c:
And OMGGGG loooooove your new pictureeeee !!!! I bet you did uh-ma-zing !!!! :) Is that really youu ?? You look so different< 3
Kennediismyname 1 decade ago
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^^ that's so cute !
Breathe_Carolina_true_fan 1 decade ago
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Well, bro, you've been through sooooo much more than us......
Heather just wanted to say: Even though we barely know eachother, always here for you < 3