Hi!,My names Amanda!
my birthday you may ask?May 1st 1998(:
im 15 years young
My boyfriend is Connor(:<33
My sister Skylar passed away May 18th 2012
I love you Skyy<333
Im really insecure.
I think I found the perfect guy<33. Cynthia my older sister, i dont consider her my sister anymore. i have 7 sisters and 2 brothers (no there all not full blood)
Yes! I have a Facebook(:
i love my friends and Family(:
I love to text my friends (mostly Piper shes like a daughter to me) Keep Dreamin and dont give up!(:<3 Bye for now(: OH follow Cherrycarey96 if you havent already!! I love that Chick!!<3
have you sent a friend request?<3
can you please go to this link? Thank yoou!<3
Well, I'm gonna see if I can go to sleep now...haha it's 2am, where I live. Goodnight beautiful:)