
Status: colton haynes is my future husbandd.
Joined: December 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: August 14
user id: 139026
Gender: F

Hey (:
i'm ashley, i'm currently in my last year of high school.
i love tattoos and piercings. spongebob. teen wolf. grimm. vampire diaries. food. music . family. friends.
i'm probably one of the easiest people to get along with, unless we start off wrong.

i absoulutly love to read, its my escape just like music. i'm always reading. i love it.
crown the empire, sleeping w/ sirens, escape the fate, pierce the veil, i see stars, chevelle, loads more . xp
i'm super weird. haha but who isn't in there own way.

Steve started following you.
holy fish paste i can't believe it !!

Quotes by Apage

trust the one who can see:

sorrow behind your smile.

love behind your anger.

reason behind your silence...
excuse me,
but you're
really cute.
when you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change our feelings
because its the mind that gets angry
but the heart still cares.
your smile. your eyes. your lips. your hair. your voice. your laugh.
your hands. your smirk. your teasing. your humor. your weird faces.
the way you walk. the way you talk. the way you look.
the way you say my name.your singing. 
your dancing . your body

why do i like you?
the vibes you give me, the smiles you put on my face without trying,
the laughs i get from talking to you, and just the fact that you can make me think
of you even if we aren't talking at the moment. the way your eyes light up with talking about the little things.
the coversations we have , our jokes. the way i feel being around you.
yeah i'm weird. Wonderful, Exciting, Interesting, Real,  Different. 

keep alert,stand firm in your faith, be courageous,be strong, let all that you do be done in love.


format by sandrasaurus

you'll know he's
  someone special,
when no matter what kind of mood you are in , he can always manage
to make you smile. (: .

if your I mportant to them,
 they will always find a way to make time for you. no excuses, no lies, no broken promises..

we started to talk again.
& those feelings that i worked
so hard to lose, returned with
just one

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