
Joined: September 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 216760
Hi guys! It's me, BeautifulSoul. You're probably wondering what happened to my profile being all nice and pretty, or my profile picture actually being of me. I'm leaving Witty for a while. If I come back, and my quotes where stolen while I'm gone, there WILL be hell to pay. Otherwise, have fun faving it up :P. I believer in all of you, but for now, I bid you goodbye. REMEMBER: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL

Quote Comments by BeautifulSoul

BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5868983
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I'm sure you wouldn't, because then I'm pretty sure you would have never heard of them, and there would be nothing for you to be sad about.
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5866769
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Just had to know, he is gay, right? Yes? Okay, good. Good luck hun, but unless you grow something down there, I don't think that you'll be getting any
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5866941
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I don't even consider Justin Beiber music. More like cruel and unusual punishment.
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5870526
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Sorry to irritate you, but you should know that fave if quotes are against the rules. I mean, yeah, it's great that you're a fan and all, I'm not judging you on that, but please, don't do the fave if quotes. They're against the witty rules, and frankly, a bit irritating
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5870020
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*claps* THIS
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5868126
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What's a milky bar?
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5862037
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See man? See what she did there? haha, see man...
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5862999
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That's me :P
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5860790
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That awkward moment when this never turned into a top quote...
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5858780
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That awkward moment when I like green eyes, and have hazel eyes
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5857069
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This went through my head so many times. Still does.
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5860780
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This is so true! I have the same problem. Like, right now, it's 12:05, I have school tommorrow, and I'm up on my computer because the nightmares aren't worth it.
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5830547
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I was going to correct this, until I looked at the comment. Lmao now.
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5804105
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As much as I'm sure that you're just trying to do good, which I totally respect and understand, this quote makes me sad to know that so many girls just want to be thin because of society. But sure, make a series. I'll be interested in the crazy ways I can be thin :P
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5796129
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If you don't marry him, I will never forgive you. And sorry about your mom
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5795326
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Hi. How old are you? You seem pretty freaking amazing compared to most guys I've met.... Anyway, marry me? I know, it's so sudden and all :D. But yeah... You're so sweet. Any girl will be lucky to have a guy like you, so, yeah, good luck! I hope you find someone amazing!
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5786227
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New York. I know, I live in New York, but I've never been to the city. I have no life.
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5788646
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Oh my god, that's awful! I never really talked to her, but I loved her quotes. Rest In Peace to the beautiful girl
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5766842
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Incorrect. I want: An unlimited credit card, a time machine, the ability to eat without getting fat, oh, and you can just add Tom Felton to the mix too.
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BeautifulSoul 1 decade ago on quote #5768984
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Here's a couple tips, because you're new, and a lot of us make these mistakes.
1. Don't EVER comment on someone's profile asking for a follow. Like their quotes, complement them, and you'll probably get a follow.
2. Don't swear at anyone or cus out anyone, or start fights with Wittians. This is a place for peace, not for fighting.
3. Learn who Steve is, and love him for making Witty.
4. Don't jock (or steal) quotes. Take the format and credit it, but NEVER steal a quote.
4. Don't make more than five quotes about One Direction a day, for or against them. It's a death wish on here now adays.
Otherwise, I think you should be good :D.
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