
Status: Every man deserves to see the sunrise
Joined: July 9, 2012
Last Seen: 5 years
Birthday: December 31
user id: 316083
Location: Louisiana
Gender: F

seafoam*'s Favorite Quotes


Jesus cHrIsT
HOW I FEEL... ALWAYS HAVE and i always will.


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I have this dream where I’m screaming underwater
while my friends are all waving from the shore,
and I don’t need you to tell me what that means:
i dont believe in that stuff anymore.
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i useD To recoGnize mYseLF
it’s funny how reflections change.

come on let it go
just let it be
why don’t you be you
and i’ll be me.
everything that’s broke,
leave it to the breeze


now the day bleeds into nightfall,
and you’re not here
to get me t h r o u g h   i t   a l l.
i let my guard down,
and then you p u l l e d   t h e   r u g;
i was getting kind of used to being
s o m e o n e   y o u   l o v e d.


i live, i breathe;
i let it rain on me.
i sleep, i wake;
i try hard not to break.
i crave, i love;
ive waited long enough
i try as h a r d as i can.

— Kasey Chambers | Not Pretty Enough 

am I not pretty enough?
is my heart too broken?
do I cry too much?
am I too outspoken?
don’t I make you laugh?
should I try it harder?
why do you see right through me?

"I will forgive, but never forget, I'll love you from a far because that's as close as I'll get, I'll wait to see you in my dreams because I know thats the only time we'll spend, So many messages I have I just never send, I hope one day our hearts will mend, and the hurt will someday transcend, I let you go because love is free, I know the future isnt guarenteed, I don't need you, you don't need me, but our connection has definately given me a key, When I think of you I go to the sea, it gives me a sense of peace, and helps me connect the puzzle pieces, it took me too long to see, Some things are not meant to be"
side by side, we were standing. you are the shadow of my childhood. dark and behind me. at least i would like to keep you behind me. side by side, unavoidable. i wish you knew and were responsible for what you have done in the past. not just you, but what you represent. when i see you i just remember how it was back then. i don't know what grade i was in. I must have been around 10. we were good friends before, we were all close and so similar. then out of the blue, i wasn't fun to hang around with anymore. i don't know why you made me out to be the weird one. you were the centre of the group, you could have reversed it. i couldn't speak up for myself, i was too taken aback. a group of friends, people who made me look forward to going to saturday school had suddenly decided for me that i would from then on dread saturdays. this is from years ago, i am for the most part over it. the part i'm not over is the awkwardness between us. i'm not okay with being made the strange one. i was left alone and over the years everyone seems to have forgotten the part they played. "why are you so quiet? howcome you never hang out with us? it's been ages since we last saw you." that's the part i'm not over because it's still ongoing. idk if i'll ever get my closure. if they have forgotten then so be it. i can't control what happened. i want to hug my past self. tell her she didn't do anything wrong. friendship is God's test for you in this life. i've realised this now. it's okay. i can't say that it won't continue to hurt you, but if anything it hurts less often.

        Always be pure, kind, and honest.