
Joined: April 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 106855
Call me Bekah
&+ I'm taking a break.
I love you guys (: <3
IM me at. woaahcrazyx3 (: <3 tell me your from witty though. [: Please and Thank you

Love ; Bekah

Quotes by Bekah_Ray

&& at times like these :
You have to be strong >>>
       For the people you love.



Boy  >>>  

You are just the beat to my heart.

Dear boy;
 I have a major crush on you. i can't stop thinking about you your on my mind every second every day. my mind goes wild when i hear your name my tummy has flying things in it. and I'm floating when i see you. my heart skips a beat. and my head get all sweaty. i get all choked when talking to me. never the less i want to tell you the truth.
and there it is.
Love :

Major vent.


favorite if your from Wisconsin and proud <3

Oh don't  forget this..


You are the straw to my berry ;

And the beat to my heart ;
the apple to my pie ;
and you'll always be ;
the key to my heart.

not my format or fade.

&+ Theres always a little truth behind every ***"Just kidding"

+& a little knowledge behind every : :
                                                                                           i don't know.

+& a little pain behind every , ; :

It's okay.

**not mine.



Can life be any harder?

But that one moment. where you look to the right. and you see that one person in the whole world who makes your day shine bigger and brighter just by saying a few couple words.
"Sweetie, I'm here for you."
Those words by your favorite girl in the world.
Your best friend.
favorite this if you love your best friend




***                                                                                                       *** 

                                           Congratulations! :D
                                          Your voted most amazing, most gorgeous girl.
                                         Today is national make you smile day

                                                                    it better have worked (:

***                                                                          ***   

Don't be afraid to stand out be you < 3