
Joined: November 24, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 375292
Gender: F
I am new on witty profiles I love doctor who and sherlock.Rock is my kinda music but I like pop too.My best friend is beautiful people and alians.My name is Brooke my faveroute colour is purple an I am the hieghst level of reading in my school sorry if you find this short but im just getting use to witty so thats me .Bye guys stay funny  wittians and dont change for anyone.

Quotes by BennyCumberbatch

I'm strange;
I'm a panda without patches,
A bird with no wings,
A box without chocolates,
A plane without a pilot -
But I'm me, and I'm not gonna change.


When I'm happy I smile,
When I'm sad I cry,
When I'm grumpy I put my eyebrows down really really far!
When im alone, I feel like a bird without a nest; a soldier without an army; a moon without stars.
When im alone, I feel like a bird without a nest; a soldier without an army; a moon without stars.
My homework is to do research on someone. My friend did Queen Victoria. I did Bennidict Cumberbatch. Says alot doesn't it?