
Joined: October 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 333326
Location: Miami, FL
Gender: F
Im in Rivera and I love my school and friends. I love 1D, 5sos, Katy Perry, and The ScriptAlso I wanted to say HI!!!!! to everyone who is reading this.

Quotes by BerthaZ

So like a have a cold and every fudge caking time I
sneeze it's always 2 times in a row. Like I'm not joking.

It kind of scares me.

- New Year's Eve
- New Year
- Late New Year

Just making sure everyone in the world gets a
        Happy New Year!
I'm starting think im the only girl who has never
ever seen Mean Girl. I feel so left out from jokes.
Like even my brother quotes Mean Girls. Ugh
So my brother asked me for a blue pen because I have
a pack in my room but I told him I didn't have and he
knew I was lying.

So 5 minutes later I asked for a black marker and he said

"Oh ya there with my pack of blue pens"

I have never been burened so bad.
Isn't it ironic?
We ignore the ones who adore us ,
adore the ones who ignore us,
love the ones who hurt us,
and hurt the ones who love us
School ended and what im going to remember
the most is not my friend or teachers, but every
time they said One Direction in science class.
Am i the only weirdo that accidently clicks the
ad's arrow instead of the real one?
In class:

Me and my friend get our progress report.
*I got a C*

Me: Dude you know what i can't wait for
Friend: What?
Me: When i have kids and when they get
a C I yell at them saying "I never got a C
in my life not even in a progress report,
how can you be my child."

to be watching T.V. or using your computer
with a open book nearby.
I have a really werid self essteam issue.
I hate myself but i think im better than everyone