alpaca hats with trendy feathers
February 14, 2013
Last Seen:
9 years
April 1
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Aweh c: well thank you for caring.. I'll come to you if I need to ^.^ on another note, I feel ya about the mosquitoes .-. they're always attracted to me too. Ah well... And what's up with those picture quotes? I wasn't around when they came out or something :o (honestly I've thought about deleting my account but It's not worth it ;u;)
Anytime!(: The picture quotes are such a huge difference. I like them, it's different, but, it just seems too different. xD Lol, more people are on Witty now because of it though. ;D
Ohmygosh. You are seriously too sweet ^.^ I've had a lot of stuff going on, yeah... It's sort of a long story, but I'm not like dying or anything so I'm fine. How about you? c: I miss you too, by the way!! ^^ It's been a while ;-; eh... too long xD and no worries. I'm not leaving just yet... <3
Dude. If you ever need to talk, I'm here! I hope you're okay. I'm good, lol! I've been eaten alive by mosquitoes though. -_- And whew, glad you aren't leaving!! (Yet. DON'T LEAVE AT ALL! xD)
Aweh c: well thank you for caring.. I'll come to you if I need to ^.^ on another note, I feel ya about the mosquitoes .-. they're always attracted to me too. Ah well... And what's up with those picture quotes? I wasn't around when they came out or something :o (honestly I've thought about deleting my account but It's not worth it ;u;)
Anytime!(: The picture quotes are such a huge difference. I like them, it's different, but, it just seems too different. xD Lol, more people are on Witty now because of it though. ;D
Ah same... just moving to Denver at the end of summer, and the one time I can actually leave this place I have a reason to stay ;-; but that's basically it hah. and I failed algebra. c: but anyway. Thas awesome. I was a vegetarian once for like a week. datvegelifetho
Denver is a great place. Smoke lots of weed for me xo. Jaykay, if you do I'm going to come there myself and kill you. Awh, I'm sorry bby. I doubt you failed it. Lul. You only lasted a week? xD
Ah same... just moving to Denver at the end of summer, and the one time I can actually leave this place I have a reason to stay ;-; but that's basically it hah. and I failed algebra. c: but anyway. Thas awesome. I was a vegetarian once for like a week. datvegelifetho
Denver is a great place. Smoke lots of weed for me xo. Jaykay, if you do I'm going to come there myself and kill you. Awh, I'm sorry bby. I doubt you failed it. Lul. You only lasted a week? xD
Have you ever had that feeling where you don't know what's going on anymore? like you don't care about anything anymore. You've lost your motivations to do anything. You are confused about your feeling and you don't know how you feel. You have the feeling of emptiness, and the feeling that no one if there for you, that no one understand you anymore, and it seems like there's nothing to look forward to anymore? Yeah.. I get these feeling, too..."
and don't we all?
Yeah that's true
Love that guy omg
and don't we all?
Yeah that's true
Not much tbh. Hbu?
"Trust me darling, you don't want to know."