
Status: Happy New Year! May this year be better than last...
Joined: July 17, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 318221
Location: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
Gender: F

Vas' Happenin' my beautiful Wittians! My name's Jessica, and I love doodling, singing (in the rain, of course), dancing like no one's watching, reading, Wittying, amd watching my cats shove themselves into small boxes. :3

Harry Styles, British accents, my fantabulous iPod, the word "corner",  black nail polish, neon skinny jeans, and smiley faces are near and dear to my non-existent heart.
Follow me, I follow back! Also follow VivaciousNess, Fake_a_smile, Forever_A_Directioner, and SheWolf

I'm always here to talk, give advice, fan-girl, or just remind you of how fabulous  you are.

Thanks for reading my profile, you fantastic penguin!
My spectacular music:

One Direction, Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Olly Murs, Coldplay, the Beatles, Florence + the Machine, Sleeping With Sirens, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Three Days of Grace, My Chemical Romance, and many, many more artists and bands. 

Even though am a genuinly kind, accepting penguin, there are a lot of things and people who seriously me off. (:

I hate sports, math, yelling, liars, snobs, stereotypes, Justin Bieber, socializing, people who typ lyk dis, and... okay, I'll stop now. 

The point is, use good grammar, don't be a , and we'll get along 

Comments to CalmDownCurly

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Moni_And_Echo 1 decade ago
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Oh em gee, you're beautiful.
I think you're already following Echo, butttt...
Hi, sorry to bother you again, but the list goes alphabetically. Well you may or may not know, but both Echo and I have left this account to make separate ones. I made mine today. Well, you're one of our followers, so if you'd like to follow us, we're EchoMarie, and September.
Thank you, lovely!
thesweetestmoments 1 decade ago
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Heyy lovely(:
That's always how I respond to people who say that to me.
They usually stop talking to me after that..
I would like to let you know that the very last chapter of Deadly Games is finally up.
I know I kinda really stunk at doing notifications BUT I'M DOING EM NOW.
My next story will be up soooooon.
Just let me write it first(;
Hehe. otay, well, go read.
Give me feedback.
You know the drill.
Okay, I love you allllll so FREEEEAKIN MUCH.
hockeyprincess11 1 decade ago
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1) first thing i thought; you love One Direction! I do too(: like so much. haha
2) I love the name Jessica and i think the name Bryce would go cool with it(:
3) 10 because you love One Direction.
thesweetestmoments 1 decade ago
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Hey guissssseeeee.
So today is legitly (not a word, just made it up), incredibly short so I came up with a deal for y'all.
If I get fifteen+ comments on Chapter Ten, I will put up another chapter TONIGHT.
Butttt, I need them soon, or else I'm going to beddy-bye.
So yeahhh. Get on that.
thesweetestmoments 1 decade ago
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Ohmygod, I have the worst headache everrrr.
And I have my period and I'm sad );
So make my day a little better by leaving feedback on Chapter Nine?
I'll seriously love you forever if you do.
thesweetestmoments 1 decade ago
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Hope you all have a fun and safe New Year's Eve.
Lol, scratch the safe part.
Sh*t ain't fun unless it's dangerous.
Like, running isn't fun without a pair of scissors in your hand.
Anywhooooo, Chapter Eight's up.
Love you all.
thesweetestmoments 1 decade ago
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So I have an excuse why I didn't upload last night.
I had to go to my boyfriend's sister's wedding reception thing and meet ALL the family.
Talk about pressure.
But it was okay.
They were nice and really funny(:
But I didn't get back until late and that's why.
But anywhooooooore.
Chapter Seven is up.
It's pree short but yeah .
Cry about it.
Love you all k bye.
P.S. I hate the new Witty. Anyone else?
EmilyStyles 1 decade ago
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-"what color are your eyes"
-"One Direction"
CalmDownCurly 1 decade ago
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Lol. (:
yourcool 1 decade ago
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it's a small world.
what wonders this website will do.
MissTomlinson 1 decade ago
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I. Freaking. Love. Your. Username.
CalmDownCurly 1 decade ago
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Thanks! I love your profile.
MissTomlinson 1 decade ago
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Why thank you, ma'am. I love yours , too' :)
CalmDownCurly 1 decade ago
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Thanks again. (:
MissTomlinson 1 decade ago
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Why thank you, ma'am. I love yours , too' :)
MissTomlinson 1 decade ago
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Why thank you, ma'am. I love yours , too' :)
thesweetestmoments 1 decade ago
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Hey there, you sexay thang(;
What's yerr numba?
Ooooooh guurrrrl, you work that pony tail!
Yeahhhh okay.
So Chapter , I MEAN SIX, is up.
So wee for that.
ThatsSoMeee 1 decade ago
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i wish. but thank you ;D hihi
ThatsSoMeee 1 decade ago
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really ? Do I look like her? You're not the first one who tells me that
Thanks you <3
sammy* 1 decade ago
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i really like your profile :)
love the background, and the one direction & taylor swift gifs!
also love the song on ur profile :P
lol sorry...i just saw u favorited my quote and when i clicked on u i saw this awesome profile so i had to say something lol :P
sorry haha
CalmDownCurly 1 decade ago
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Thanks! (:
OperationBeautiful 1 decade ago
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Open your eyes.
You are not made up of those words that
hurt you. Or that number on the scale. Or
the expecations that you feel you will never meet.
You are made up of nothing more then you.
Simply, beautifully, wonderfully, uniquely you.
You are a lovely and complex soul.
An individually fascinating combination of
thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions.
No other is as beautiful as you.
Look past the mirror.
Look at your soul.
Only then will you see yourself as you truly are.
So smile! And don't forget to
love yourself.
Moni_And_Echo 1 decade ago
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Hey beautiful, looking amazing, love the picture!
Well, just letting you know, Echo made a new witty and I might be. (You're following us)
so if you wanna follow her and even unfollow this account (only if you want) that's fine. =)
Her username is EchoMarie
nevercutyourbeautiful 1 decade ago
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Hello Beautiful!
If you ,
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for.
My goal in life is to save a life.
Stay Strong and Dream Big Beautiful!
also please dont reply, please comment on my profile:)
i cant see them
seafoam* 1 decade ago
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Okay, I'm in love with your username. Just wanted to put that out there.

Thanks for the follow. :D
idocartwheels 1 decade ago
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hey there beautiful!! ur gorgeous and dont let anyone tell u otherwise!!<3 follow back?
JackieBoo99 1 decade ago
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Thanks for the follow too ! lol it means a lot(: