Joined: June 10, 2015
Last Seen: 8 years
Birthday: March 11
user id: 391634
Location: Connecticut
Gender: F

Quotes by CraZyWILD

I was left behind i was pushed aside
Alone and forgotten
they labeled me rotten
But no one could never guess
If put to the test
The sh*t I went through
That burdens my chest
I am a survivor
A true warrior
I've been through the worst
But still fighting for the best

I used to love with all my heart but after a while you have to be smart. I bulit up barriers
to guard my heart. Thoes who destroyed them the ones who fought gained my love and my trust. And If you get through all of that, then you deserve a welcome mat.

Her eyes closed shut
with fists clenched up
Her pillows wet
because she whept

Mad at the world
where is the door
life is worthless
this pains not worth it

eveyone gets their heart broken at least once the weak ones hold on making life miserable, while the strong ones move on making life their B****

I see the world a different way
nothing is worthless
and everything is worth it

In the end you find it in yourself to fight and contine in life for yourself not for others so you have a good life when your older and on your own. Never should you let other influence your life so much to were you no longer wish to breath THEY WANT TO SEE YOU FAIL so you get back up an prove them all wrong you take control of your own life and dont let others break you down you move on and just know no matter what im going to do something in life and with my life rather they like it or not become STRONG SELF RELIANT AND INDEPENDENT all while feeling goid about yourself because your doing you not them
TO LOVE is great
TO BE LOVED is wonderful
TO BE IN LOVE is something unexplainable and only will you truly will you know you have been in love is when you cannot explain why you love them so, but know that youd do anything to keep them in your life at your side because if they ever left .. you and this world will never be the same
Death changes EVERYTHING!
Time changes NOTHING.. I still miss the sound of your voice, the wisdom in your advice, The stories of our life and just being in your presents. So no, time changes nothing, I miss you as much today as I did the day you died. I just miss you....
I never new of such a love
Until the day you came from above
They sent you here just for me
The life I live I was about to flee
You pulled me out of the darkness
and dragged me back into the light
You Gave me the hope I sought at night
Dreaming of a world with love and peace
A place where no longer will my loved ones leave
or my once hopeful heart bleed
